
joined 10 months ago
[–] [email protected] 0 points 9 months ago (1 children)

I am connected to my schools network, I’ll remove it and try again. Did you have to remove the connection to change the pin because I cannot change the pin.


Hi framework fans, I'm here to see if anyone else have this problem with their settings. I want to add another fingerprint now but it says that everything but security key option is unavailable. When I click into the options, I cannot disable or change any of the sign in options and its says something went wrong. Those sign in methods still work because windows enabled them on setup. How can I fix this? Is anyone else having this issue? Thanks, Kai


[–] [email protected] 1 points 10 months ago

Thanks, I will definitely take into consideration, I might wait until I upgrade the battery and then hope the new battery connector can straighten the pins back


Hi framework community, I’m back again for another question. Not for an assessment though, it’s about my framework laptop. I may have bent a pin in the battery connector on my mainboard, how can I fix this without spending $1000+ for a new board?

Edit: It still powers when plugged in but the connector is wonky

[–] [email protected] 1 points 10 months ago

Thanks to all who participated in the survey, if anyone wants to see the results, reply below and I’ll share until someone disputes it

[–] [email protected] 1 points 10 months ago

Reply below if you are ok with sharing results


Hi Framework fans and staff! I am doing a research task for Geography on the sustainability of Multi-National Companies (MNCs). I have a questionnaire for fans or owners of a Framework laptop. Below is a series of questions I would like you to send back answered. Also, I would LOVE it if staff of framework replied/answered, I am such a big fan!

Thanks to those in advance


  1. What is your gender? Male, Female, Other/Prefer not to say

  2. What is your age? (optional) < 15, 15—<30, 30—<45, 45—<60, 60+

  3. What is your occupation? (e.g. plumber, teacher, student)

  4. Do you own a Framework Laptop 13? Yes, No

If not, do you own a similar product? Yes, No

If you do own a similar product, name it

  1. Various components go into making products like the Framework Laptop 13, such as the display and the speakers.

List two other parts in your product.

  1. How did you obtain this product? I purchased it from a retail store, I purchased it online, It was given to me as a present, Other (explain)

  2. Which of the following explains what you do with your Framework Laptop/Parts when you upgrade or require a new one? Throw it out, Repurpose (e.g. Laptop with coolermaster desktop case), Recycle, Other (explain)

  3. How many products from their company do you own or have used in the past (expansion cards and upgrades)? 5 and below, 6, 7, 8 and above

  4. Are you aware of any issues with the production of the FW13 in any overseas countries? Yes, No (explain)


Hi team framework and knowledgeable customers, I am doing a school project where we investigate multinational companies and identify the sources of the parts in the everyday objects they produce. I was wondering where the framework parts were produced and what companies that were partnered with. Webpages with detailed information from framework would be useful.

Thanks in advance.