
joined 7 months ago
[–] [email protected] 1 points 18 hours ago

I had this thought too. Probably unrealistic because of all the ways that can go horribly wrong, but somehow that solution seems easier than convincing a certain subset of men to behave themselves.

[–] [email protected] 12 points 2 days ago

People should also be aware that not all catholic hospitals are open about being catholic. In some areas they are buying up smaller practices and entire hospitals but keeping it's previous name so it's confusing and harder to avoid them.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 2 days ago (1 children)

I never meant to imply that things, or parts of things created with an AI shouldn't be able to be copyrighted, but as the law is now that's how it works. Things might change in the future to more directly address this, which is what this current case is doing.

As for copyrighting the prompt that could get tricky. For example you can't copyright a title, but you can copyright a literary work.

So if your prompts are that long you should be able to copyright the prompts as literary work, but someone who just types in "brown cat" isn't going to be able to and shouldn't be able to, because copyrighting the concept of a brown cat in general is silly. What about "fat, brown cat.?' Well, someone is going to have think very hard about how long the prompts have to be before they are eligible. That's not even considering the prompt part, just the right to your written concept before it becomes a prompt.

I'm hoping it'll work out fairly eventually. I work in professionally in traditional media so it's not something that effects me, but I do have a basic understanding of copyright laws(as they are) to share.

But I do see your point about it being a tool. Like if my paint brand tried to say I don't have a right to the work I created with their paint I'd be pissed, but that's a lot less complicated(legally speaking) to parse out than AI generated stuff because we don't yet have precedents for that.

Plus all the unethical and exploitive AI scraping that's been going on that no one agreed to has left a lot of artists kinda bitter towards AI... so there's not a lot of sympathy in creative communities towards it's use right now. If they could use it more ethically I think you'd see a shift in attitudes fairly quickly.

[–] [email protected] 38 points 2 days ago (2 children)

Does anyone remember that 'prolife'(antichoice) statue someone did of a nude Britney Spears giving birth on all fours? It happened around 2006-ish.

So it's okay to objectify a pop singer for right wing purposes(Britney's reaction to the piece was level headed btw) but a nude Donald Trump is too much?

I guess they only like art if it's propaganda they can jerk off to.

[–] [email protected] 6 points 2 days ago (3 children)

This is correct. If a painter uses AI to generate a concept and composition, then does a classical oil painting of it on canvass they can claim right to the image of the oil painting.

It's no different than an artist painting a public park or forest. They can't copyright that location, but they can copyright the painting of that location.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 2 days ago (1 children)

Same, still playing my ps4, probably won't buy a ps5 though. I'll just wait for ps6 or whatever to happen. As of now ps4 plays elden ring and bloodborne(two of my favorite games) so I'm content with it.

[–] [email protected] 55 points 3 days ago

Any person who freaks out over grammar lessons and destroys a child's homework is completely unhinged and seriously needs some mental health care interventions.

That lack of impulse control and rage has no place in a family setting.... or anywhere really.

I guess these are the family values conservatives are pushing these days. Grown men ripping up a kid's homework assignments. I guess book burning wasn't enough.

[–] [email protected] 4 points 3 days ago

Critical thinking and how to cross check your sources to verify if something is true are invaluable skills.

I graduated high school in 2006 and we had to learn both of those in order write research papers. I grew up in a blue state, and went to public school. My English teacher also taught us that "anyone can get a book published, or write an article online, so always cross check your sources and make sure they aren't making stuff up."

They taught us those skills so we could write papers for college, but I feel like they're even more important now just for navigating the internet.

[–] [email protected] 11 points 3 days ago

Wow. DeSantis is going for gold in the "I'm a complete piece of shit that doesn't deserve to exist on the same planet as the rest of us" race.

Also, banning abortion isn't going to increase the "domestic source of babies" that's supposed to keep the economy going. If they're so worried about our future population maybe fix the school shooting issue with gun control? It's kinda hard to grow a population when children(and adults) keep getting killed by mass shooters.

Oh yeah, the population issue is just a dog whistle to torture women. Yes, torture. Dying slowly from sepsis because a hospital won't remove a dead baby from your body should classify as torture.

People like DeSantis are actually evil. They make up 'problems' so they can justify enacting cruel legislation. Please let a sink hole randomly open up swallow that asshole.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 4 days ago

This is true. My extended family leans conservative but is from the far north(think border of Canada north.) It's honestly really weird how the more rural you get, the more republican people are.

However, my cousins and the younger members are far more left than the older members(are lgtbq friendly, support BLM, acknowledge climate change is real ect) some of them left the area and some stayed, but in general the difference in generations has given me some hope.

[–] [email protected] 12 points 4 days ago (2 children)

Ugh these motherfuckers get literally every grain of truth wrong. Trees do prevent flooding(studied to be an arborist and utilizing trees in urban environments for cooling and flood control), BUT the amount of trees cleared for wind turbines is negligible compared to what we've cut down for parking lots and industrial complexes(pavement increases flooding).

Besides, no amount of trees is going to take care of that amount of rainfall in that period of time. Even if everything was forest there's only so much they can absorb. Some of them would uproot and tip over from the ground becoming so water logged. I've seen it happening in our forests from an unusually wet summer. Entire portions of forest where the trees just fell over from too much water in the soil after 3 years of drought.

[–] [email protected] 10 points 5 days ago

I'd probably draw on his face first because I'm a bit childish but yeah. What the hell is wrong with people?

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