
joined 11 months ago
[–] [email protected] 1 points 10 months ago

I agree with others and have an alternative view. How about you install a hypervisor like Proxmox and then you get the flexibility of running Docker, LXC containers or even VMs.

Personally, I run a mix of LXC containers and Docker. Why? I really like Docker but the all inclusive nature of the containers can make customization of settings difficult.

In contrast, LXCs are heavier than Docker containers but they act like a full Linux machine and so you can use all of your past system admin knowledge and customize away. They are mich lighter than a VM and so they are a nice middle ground.

Summary for simple self-contained apps, I use Docker and for more complex apps, I rely on LXC containers. With Proxmox you can easily use both and so it is the best of both worlds!

[–] [email protected] 1 points 10 months ago

I am a fan of Microbin and didn't realize that it offered this. However, I am struggling with enabling authentication while keeping the ability to provide public pastas.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 10 months ago

I saw that the poster mentioned several PRs that the author should review. It seems that either the author has not or he thinks that they are less meaningful. Either way, it is surprising that there has been no new release for 18 months.


I want to install a URL shortener on a cloud VM for personal usage so that it will be very low volume. I have a few simple requirements:

  1. Runs in Docker
  2. As light resource usage as possible
  3. It must have authentication to prevent randos from using it
  4. It must be able to generate QR codes
  5. Modern and attractive experience ← subjective, I know

I have compiled the following options and pros and cons. Do you agree with this list and the pros and cons? Which do you think I should go with and why?

Kutt: Last release on Github: 2/22, 7,700 stars
Pros: Recommended here, fully featured, including authentication and QR codes
Cons: Heavy (3 containers), not recently updated

Yourls: Latest release on Github: 3/23, 9,700 stars
Pros: Recommended here, recent update, no native QR codes (but available via plugins), Lighter (2 containers)
Cons: PHP-based, less modern than Kutt, having to deal with plugins

Shlink: Latest release on Github: 9/23, 2,300 stars
Pros: Modern and attractive GUI, lighter (2 containers), bult-in QR codes, frequent updates
Cons: No authentication, Confusing and difficult install, separate front end and back end

Lynx: Latest release on Github: 8/23, 96 stars
Pros: Lighter (2 containers), native QR codes, authentication, frequent updates
Cons: Unclear experience – looks less modern on Github screenshot