What? Are you trying to say that corporations aren't people, and that treating them as such is fucking stupid?
"Given enough time, hydrogen will begin to wonder where it came from."
Well if I'm doing anything, it means that I'm functionally immortal, and given 5 billion years, I would very likely have figured out how to get my ass to a safer planet. So I'll probably raise a toast to the passing of the home world, then move on with my day.
Not even large distances. From some quick googling, the umbra is only 100 to 160 km wide. For everywhere else, it would be the equivalent of a cloudy day. And this only lasts for minutes.
I guess part of my different perspective is that 99% of my flight travels are for work, and I'm paid by the hour, even on days when I'm doing nothing but traveling.
Man, I hate traveling carry-on only (unless it's a short enough trip that the required change of clothes can fit in a backpack). I'll pay the $50 or whatever it is to not have to worry about needing to cram all my stuff up into the overheads.
No weirdos
Yeah. Good luck with that.
Ok, but I'm not drinking coffee for it's thirst quenching properties.
I think it's one of those things where you could do it, but if you had the required money, you'd do something far easier and more luxurious.
In addition to setting the host uri detection, you could put all your services behind a reverse proxy. Bitwarden would then easily detect the subdomain.
Are we using "dudes" in the non-gendered sense? Because I've noticed this type of behavior with women far more often than with men.
I chuckled at the thought that there's just this one county in Montana where people haven't figured out that staring at the sun is bad.