[-] [email protected] 6 points 8 hours ago* (last edited 8 hours ago)

I had an argument on here with someone saying poor people can't be vegan because if they were truly poor then they would eat anything to sustain themselves. Only rich people are allowed to have principles.

[-] [email protected] 5 points 15 hours ago

Well that's awesome news. I used it a little over a year ago, so I didn't know they were working on it.

[-] [email protected] -4 points 15 hours ago

Okay, smuglord. It's a massive inconvenience compared to doing literally nothing. And it heavily depends on what apps you use and how often they update.

[-] [email protected] 0 points 16 hours ago

Last I used it, Aurora store can't do automatic updates without user attention. Is that still true? If so, it's adding another massive inconvenience.

[-] [email protected] 14 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago)

How often do you hear about Nepal in any context? Most people can't even point to it on a map and keep asking me how my time was in Tibet.

They have a whole history exhibit in the old Kathmandu palace that talks about the Maoist insurgency and their role in dismantling the monarchy prior to the royal massaacre.

Even so, the current government has been so ineffectual in some areas that some protestors have demonstrated to have the monarchy back. Part of this is because the Maoists and other communist groups lost their fangs when they started these coalitions and the government gets into standstills where nothing gets accomplished except the continual repaving of the roads to and from the airport whenever a foreign diplomat is due.

This is cool and good news.

[-] [email protected] 27 points 2 days ago

I'm literally just talking about how I wouldn't feel anything at all if things turned out differently. I hope you put as much effort toward your grassroots campaigns as you do chastizing people online about making fun of fascists.

[-] [email protected] 50 points 2 days ago* (last edited 2 days ago)

At what point does someone calling for and causing harm to people you care about sufficient before you lose all empathy for them? How come politicians can literally get away with poisoning people's water like in Flint, couping foreign governments, and contributing to the deaths of thousands or even millions but I can't post memes when they die or else I'm worse than them by some brainworm logic? It's so hypocritical the way they go unscathed because they didn't put a gun to someone's head directly. Now every milquetoast senator is sending well wishes to someone who would rather see them dead or deported. People should act in a way deserving of that empathy and maybe people would show it.

[-] [email protected] 8 points 3 days ago

Personally I envision a future where most people don't even need desktops at home and if they don't need a dedicated laptop either will just dock their phone when they get home as their primary device and take it with them when they leave.

[-] [email protected] 4 points 3 days ago* (last edited 3 days ago)

What part of how he's been treated? Nobody is making fun of him for being neurodivergent and picking his toes in public. Its gross, but ultimately not harmful. People have problems with his inability to understand how his comments about sex with minors are not appropriate either. There's a big gap between these two things and if you fall into it, you're probably okay.

[-] [email protected] 2 points 3 days ago* (last edited 3 days ago)

I posted my own comment, but every time Stallman comes up, this is what I refer people to: https://drewdevault.com/2023/11/25/2023-11-26-RMS-on-sex.html

As you said, these are not his "early views", but a continuing and shifting pattern. You can read his own blog posts and its all there.

[-] [email protected] 5 points 4 days ago

And for continuing below subpar performance compared to every other brand if the trend continues from the Tensor G1 to now. Which there's no indication of that stopping.

[-] [email protected] 16 points 5 days ago* (last edited 5 days ago)

Lemmy is too small and the mods too inactive. Most of what you see there is genuinely unironic carnism because bans dont get handed out, not what you normally get with a circlejerk sub.

submitted 7 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

From professor Tao Jiang at Rutgers University:

"I want to do a quick thread on the Laozi I’m presenting this afternoon at EPHE in Paris in case anyone is interested. The Laozi I’m presenting was not a “Daoist,” a later term anachronistically applied to earlier texts like the Laozi and the Zhuangzi.

Altho not all anachronisms are problematic, at least not in the same way (e.g., fajia isn't too bad), using “Daoism” to lump together the Lz and the Zz in the context of pre-Qin Chinese intellectual history obscures the vast difference between their moral-political projects.

The Lz was actively engaged in the mainstream debate about humaneness vs. justice as the governing norm of an imagined new moral-political order and was pivotal in shaping the moral-political discourse in late Warring States, e.g., Zhuangzi, Xunzi, and fajia thinkers, esp. HF.

On the other hand, the Zhuangzi was a much more marginal text whose main intellectual pulse was the imagination and pursuit of personal freedom. “Daoism” in later Chinese history has a rather different story and ethos.

There're two clusters of ideas in the Laozi: moral-political and cosmogonic-mystical, but what is their relationship? A.C. Graham famously asks, “Can it really be advising rulers that to govern their states requires nothing less than the ultimate mystical illumination?”

Excavated texts reveal that the “mystical” or cosmogonic elements in the Laozi represented a major voice in the philosophical speculations about the origin of the cosmos and the Laozi was a part of the “naturalist turn” in classical Chinese philosophy in late 4th century BCE.

To answer Graham’s question, it's not so much that rulers’ mystical vision of the cosmos would necessarily offer them personal insights into effective governance. Rather, the more historically compelling read on the significance of the mystical-cosmogonic aspect of the text is that it signaled a new understanding of the nature of the cosmos, as well as a broad reorientation in the Heaven-human relationship in the mid-Warring States period. This would set the stage for the most consequential development in Chinese political history, namely the drastic bureaucratization and naturalization of the state with impartiality enshrined as the political norm for the state in the hands of the fajia thinkers. Within the naturalist vision of the cosmos, Laozi would completely reject the idea that Heaven, which was now a part of the Dao-generated cosmos, cared about human well-being and was involved in managing human affairs. This change is most dramatically captured in Chapter 5 of the Laozi where he declares that “Heaven and Earth are not humane (bu ren 不仁)" & straw dogs.

I will then talk about wuwei/youwei as representing extraordinarily sophisticated metaethical critique of the mainstream moral-political project. In this regard, it is inconceivable that the Lz could have been composed in the same period as the Analects as some still believe.

Philosophically, the Lz is more sophisticated than the Analects by several order of magnitude. The Laozi was an extraordinarily influential text in that its wuwei project both "failed" and "succeeded" spectacularly, often in the Nietzschean sense of transvaluation."

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