Doubt it is
I was at a house party that caught on fire because someone leaned against the knobs when they were lower in the front and caught something on fire which then caught cabinets on fire and quickly the whole kitchen. I think someone has a box of pizza on there.
Hello Subway is Jared there? I want him to make me one of those healthy sandwiches. Not the crap that skater punk slapped together last Tuesday
Oh god it just hit me that we’re in for a category 6 shitstorm when he turns senile
Yep I just had the worst sushi of my life from a place with 4.4 stars. Best place in the city is 4.8. Definitely star inflation
This one’s my fave
At this point give into the hate and burn it in the yard
So many Amazon Q&As have people answering ‘I don’t know.’ 🥸
Trump does like to surround himself with losers
Yep, Taiwan’s already got attack plans. PRC never ruled Taiwan, and they should back tf off
She fucked everything Bill and Dave built. Which is why you want engineers running things not finance bozos. I used to work for hp
Day 718446 of rapture no show but, any day now!