Breaking it down, the 'no' comes basically from "Free will doesn't exist so no one can justly be punished and violence just causes pain and a cycle of more violence"
The 'yes' comes from "We're all dead one day anyway and it is intrinsically pleasurable to harm/kill people who have wronged me, my loved ones, or any innocent people. "
The latter is actually a more unethical embrace of pleasure.
On a broader scale though I'm against both the death penalty and revenge/vigilante killing, but I actually think the latter is comparatively less unethical in a vacuum. At least in the case of revenge/vigilante killing someone is getting something out of it.
Assuming we're talking about a friend/acquaintance, a person can be genuinely sorry but sort of be too dim to meaningfully improve their behavior. That said, if they don't at least give a good faith effort to improve then my patience will wear thin and I'll probably want to be around them as little as possible, even if I end up ultimately forgiving them on the emotional side of things.