joined 1 year ago
[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 year ago

u/TillAny4068, iOS, the operating system on all iPhones, is a closed developed OS by apple.

Any third party software out there, MUST use, in one way or another, apples drivers, whether they like it or not, to access the device.

Therefor, whehter you use itunes to make a backup of your device or a third party app, you are still using the same drivers, thus making the same api calls.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 year ago

u/tiredsongtiredradio, our oldest iphone in our household is an iPhone 3G. That is the second iPhone device ever released by apple.

On that particular device (our iphone 3G) we have never replaced it's battery, which it is severely degraded, so a charge lasts maybe 3 days max.

We use that device at home as a glorified remote control for our media center home theater system and as a media player.

Outside of iphones, we have 1st Gen ipod(s) as well and those, just like the iphone 3G, are all still working today (still with their original hardware, indlucing battery as well)

How long will they last?... can't tell you as they are still going strong todate.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 year ago

u/Silvestre074, did your friend explain what a 'reset' meant?

- factory reset?

- settings reset?

Just some sample options.

Please do share in detail what 'reset' is supposed to mean

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 year ago

u/aj_bglr, i've used mobiletrans in the past, which as said before on third party apps and this one is also not free, to do exactly what you are trying to do.


Good luck with your efforts!

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 year ago (2 children)

u/aj_bglr, the article is titled:

'How to move your account information from the WhatsApp Business app to WhatsApp Messenger'

which is what you are looking for (see title of your own post).

Therefor, I suggest you follow those instructions (see article in my prior post).


If those steps are too difficult for you to follow, then you will have to look for other options, such a third party app, which there are plenty and you can find them via google search, though most (if not all) of them are not free.

Best Regards and good luck with the migration efforts

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 year ago

u/ezksymtal, there are some steps you may need to do for iMessage to get it to re-activate and work.

- do you have 2fa (two factor authentication) enabled for your apple id?

If no, then

- make sure you sure you click on your itunes account and verify you can see your account

Settings click on your account at seen at the very top

- click on password and security

provide your password and make sure you can see the details, then close that and get back to your account

- click on payment and shipping

make sure you have at least one registered payment method (that is NOT listed in red, that means you have to re-authenticate that payment method... in such case, do what is needed and when done, then close out of that to get back to your account)

- click on media purchases - view my account

you should be able to see your account


If yes (that you have 2fa), then continue immediately below

In iMessage click to login to with your apple id to use with iMessage (which you can deactivate later) and verify that you have a check mark next to your email account to send / receive iMessages (and the same should be for facetime)

you may or may NOT have the check mark on your cellular phone number, then

go back to the iMessage main scrren and on the iMessage main screen where the toggle for imessage is located and should be toggled on, then toggle it off

iMessage should be toggled off / turned off (but you did NOT log-out of your apple id for imessage)


toggle iMessage back on

click on 'send receive' (which is immediately below the imessage toggle) so that you can get in the list of accounts that are available for imessage

you should see a check-mark next to your email account (as it was before and since you didnt' log off your apple id for imessage, then)

if you do NOT see the check mark next to your cellular phone, then manually click it - it will go through.

Keep in mind, that in some countries (for example UK, Ireland etc), there are requirements that need to be met... for example:

- that your cellular account is set up by the carrier for imessage

- that your celluar account is enabled to received 'short' number SMS messages (and send as well)

- in some countries (UK / Ireland to name a few), you may need to have your carrier 'white list' the IMEI of your device.

Since you don't know if these requirements apply to you, I suggest, you first try in the order as described, one step at the time and see if your iMessage activates.

Make sure you update this post AFTER you've completed the above steps and go from there.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 year ago

u/Content_Owl1049, with both iphones on, signal, both on iMessage, if you are still getting a green bubble instead of the blue/imessage one, then you have 2 tricks go get the issue corrected:

1 st - Settings - Messages - Send as SMS - Off

- Send a message to that same person (works only if the other device is an iMessage capable one and that device does have data connection)

If that works, then you can turn SMS back on and you should be ok going forward:

- Settings - Messages - Send as SMS - On

If the above doesn't work, then

2nd - New Message Thread

- delete the message thread, then

- create a new thread and send a message to that same person

Usually if you delete the thread on the iphone that is affected, then the problem will go away as your device will keep sending iMessages ie. via your Data, instead of sending them as straight SMS messages.

If the above doesn't work, then

- do all the steps as on 2nd Option (see immediately above) on both devices

Make sure you update your post AFTER you've completed the above options with your results and let's go from there.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 year ago

u/Erza-Svarlet96, good work!

Make sure you update your post after you've gotten your replacement SIM with your results

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 year ago

u/catgirlishere....yup... i've heard of that one too...

Weird thing is that, I also heard that newer iphones can be unlocked with your face... it's called face id...

Then I got thinking... how does the iphone see your face???? hmmm

I've spent many nights losing sleep over it... can't get an answer ... nope didn't think on a google search on that one.. the internet is wrong and I don't trust it...

Maybe iphones have Lidar built into them?... or a wave-lenght-other-radar-type sensor... that constructs an image based on sonnar type signal bouncing of your face back to the phone and builds a face picture from that information???... still don't know...

man this is a mistery and I hope you find the answer to that question... and when you do, make sure you come back and let me know!


yes!!!!... iphones have a front face camera dating all the way since the iPhone 3g (that is the second gen iphone todate) ; )

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 year ago

u/taetae--, by default, iOS already 'pings' for available service towers and selcts the one that has the best signal (and will swtich if that tower/signal no longer works, to another available one)... so there is no need for you to jailbreak your device, for a funtctionality that is already built in and runs automatically behind the scenes for you.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 year ago (2 children)

u/Erza-Svarlet96, try that SIM card on another device. If the SIM is recognized in another device, then the issue is with the phone and not with the SIM Card.

Either way, once you've sorted out where the route cause is, you can then, either have the phone repaired at a certified apple repair center or get a replacement SIM card.

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