
joined 1 year ago
[–] [email protected] 3 points 1 year ago

Yeah, there’s a lot of times where I’m trying to figure out how to get where I want for way too long. I don’t know if I don’t use reviews because I don’t care or if it’s bad, but it’s likely the former as I don’t go to any of these apps for recommendations. I do like their granularity as that can be helpful from time to time!

[–] [email protected] 13 points 1 year ago (7 children)

I use storygraph, though don’t care to do anything more than track reads, set goals, and share with my wife who uses that and gr.

It’s nice though! and let’s me split content by the exact edition/format pretty easily.

[–] [email protected] 4 points 1 year ago

It occasionally takes some doing, but my wife does! She reads lots of Libby on Kobo and even manga from Libby.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 year ago

This was sort of me. I couldn’t use my eyes to read a book after college. Something about college took that from me. Maybe that’s when I really dove into social media, maybe I never had quiet space to just read. Either way, undiagnosed adhd and some degree of dyslexia went a ways towards breaking my looong time visual reading habit.

But, I never stopped reading audiobooks. Almost a decade out and I’m still recovering my visual reading, but I downed 13 books and novellas this month via audiobook. (And finally finished an ebook I started in February!) Reading is now an inevitability rather than a goal.

I read almost exclusively sci-fi and fantasy, but slip in non-fiction or classic fiction every so often.

So, for me, it’s read what you like and read how you like.

Side note: books that I really want to ready that aren’t at my library as audiobooks are the sole driver of me getting back into visual reading. Being audio-only locked me out of a LOT of books that I really want to read. So, unless that matches you, I have no idea how to reincentivize visual reading other than that.

[–] [email protected] 8 points 1 year ago

Grow up = “do exactly what I tell them too”

Having heard about his moderation of r/jailbait, the gaslighty tactic sounds right up his alley.

“Oh, minor victim, adults do adult things. It just happens to be exactly what I’m telling you to do. You want to grow up and be mature, right?”

The guy is a creep.

[–] [email protected] 19 points 1 year ago

I’m here because Reddit told me they view me as a wallet, not a participant, contributor, or anything else.

The fediverse isn’t and may never be strictly “better”, but neither will Reddit. Reddit has a singular vision of worse quality and worse management going forward. They may claw BACK some of what they’ve chucked out the window, but they’ve shown they’re not going to make the product better. Ever. Just different versions of bad.

Had they taken a boiled frog approach, I’d be there a lot longer. I wasn’t excited to pay, but it would become a decision of “pay for a better experience or get something worse for freeTM”. That’s a different choice than “use my worsening app or screw off.” They made the choice relatively easy where they could have made it a lot more nuanced.