
joined 2 weeks ago
[–] [email protected] 7 points 1 week ago

As of the time I’m writing this comment literally none of the suggestions made actually matter for the ambiguous goal of “general security and privacy” more than building in a neighborhood or community that meets the occupants desires.

Pick a place with people you want to be around who you trust to look out for you.

[–] [email protected] 5 points 1 week ago

Hexbear was right about downvotes.

[–] [email protected] 30 points 1 week ago (1 children)

We eat fewer eggs.

That seems like nothing but eggs are an insanely cheap and fast way to get a decent meal quickly in the morning or to beef up, pun intended, a bowl of grits or oatmeal or something.

When we run out of eggs we don’t just not eat, we may make something that’s less filling or healthy or may spend more on breakfast because there just isn’t time to make breakfast and the only time permissive option is to pay 8-13 dollars for fast food on the way to work or eat peanuts and coke from a gas station.

So the egg price has knock on effects for us that are pretty big.

I’m gonna spend a little time and express something that isn’t being said in the comments:

people’s purchases don’t exist in a vacuum and the meaning of the price of an inexpensive source of protein like eggs nearly doubling in the span of a year or two isn’t just that it costs more.

Often, people shop. That sounds like a stupid thing to say, but the effect of the piggly wiggly implementing barcode scanners is impossible to deny. Shopping is where you go into a store with some goal, like a list, and some budget like the actual cash you have in your possession and try to make those two things match up.

If you’re like me you grew up going on these excursions maybe once a week or more with your parents and understood innately that if you can get something in the cart early, maybe pudding cups or that peanut butter with the chocolate mixed into it, there’s better chance of you enjoying that treat than if you wait till the end.

As adults you probably recognize that it’s because as a person progresses through the store they’re keeping a tally (my grandmother used a literal calculator) of how much of their budget they’ve run through. It’s a toss up weather they’ll be under enough to afford a very cost ineffective piece of candy from the shelf next to the checkout counter so getting that treat in the cart early means the person shopping has the chance to make little adjustments to make up for its price. I never understood the relationship between relatively expensive sugar added peanut butter and the type of green beans we ate that week but that’s one way it manifested. Cut versus French cut was a price difference and we’d eat the cheaper one to make up for some dalliance in the previous isles.

Eggs are in the dairy cooler section. Most stores have these all in one place at first because it was cheaper to run the wiring for them and then because of food safety practices and finally nowadays because everyone expects it. For reasons I’m not sure of, people tend to hit those isles last. It might be to get cold stuff in the cart last so those items don’t warm up in the store as long.

When you’re at the end of your trip to the store, on the last isle, trying to fit the list to your cash, the price of eggs is what determines your choices. If you put back that box of pop tarts you can get two dozen eggs and a loaf of bread. That’s breakfast for a family of four for a week in a pinch. If you swap the stoufers lasagna for a six pack of ramen noodles, a can of beans and some eggs you have a cheaper dinner for four plus some left over.

If you want to have nicer things to eat and can’t afford to buy them but do have plenty of time, eggs are an ingredient that’s hard to replace in baking. There are substitutes but they’re sometimes more expensive and involve being able to learn a new recipe or do some experimenting which just isn’t in the cards for plenty of people. If eggs cost more it means less brownies, cakes, noodles and a bunch of other stuff because suddenly the recipe costs more.

Eggs are the gateway to making your grocery trip work for a lot of people and so when you might not know the price of that can of beans off the top of your head, you absolutely know what eggs cost and make adjustments accordingly. Maybe you buy lower grade eggs like “a” instead of “aa” or you buy more eggs and less meat.

The price of eggs is the backstop to being poor and healthy while maintaining whatever position on the 5d chessboard of equipment, time, money, calories and experience that you occupy or want to be in.

A lot of the posts and comments I’ve seen that specifically reference eggs have a sneering tone or are either denying the price changes or downplaying their effect. I personally think that expressing such sentiments makes you at best inexperienced and ignorant and at worst a bad person, but opinion aside, those kinds of sentiments aren’t helping anyone to understand who you are unless you just want to be seen as an out of touch elite.

To go a little further, the price of eggs is an undeniable metric that shows wages haven’t risen with inflation+cpi+externalities. It means there’s a problem in a way that can’t be denied or misdirected from.

If eggs were 50-100% more expensive and wages had risen across the board by that same 50-100% then no one would be complaining except old timers in the rocking chairs in front of the gas station.

That’s not what’s happening and now the things that let poor people keep living and not quite poor people buy all their groceries are 50-100% more expensive. If that isn’t alarming to you it should be.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 week ago

What specific data?

You can’t keep information you put on their platform or your habits of use on that platform “safe” from it.

[–] [email protected] -5 points 1 week ago (2 children)

What would make you unsafe? What data do you want to keep away from Facebook?

[–] [email protected] 3 points 1 week ago

Some food for thought:

Absence of information is its own sort of information. You may find it worthwhile in your search for an acceptable compromise to place some kind of value on “looking normal”.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 week ago

That will* work.

*actually figure out what you’re trying to maintain privacy from and set up your icloud account appropriately.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago) (1 children)

So go ahead and take a look at your journalctl output. The left hand side should be timestamps, so you can immediately figure out if it’s starting a million years in the past or sometime you know you had the problem.

If it is a million years in the past, use the —since flag and specify the time you want to start at as enumerated in the manual file (man journalctl).

Once you’re looking at the logs in journalctl from a day you know the problem happened, go ahead and use arrow keys and pgup/pgdn to find a reboot. You’ll know when you find a reboot because it’ll look different. The messages will be about figuring out what hardware is attached and changing runlevels and whatnot.

Once you found where the reboot is, go backwards to find something weird happening in the logs.

E: By default the parser (program used to handle text) of journalctls output is “less”. If you want to get out of it, press “q”, and if you want to know more “man less”.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 week ago

I’m not agreeing or disagreeing with you, my comment was intended to add the context that might help English readers understand how the natural conclusion they would reach after learning that the app name directly translates to “little red book” isn’t necessarily true.

For me, as an American English speaker the natural conclusion would be that it’s an application designed by maoists in order to discuss Maoism when it’s actually designed for integrated ecommerce.

[–] [email protected] 4 points 2 weeks ago (3 children)

Someone already linked to journalctl, but if you just quickly want to look, the command journalctl and the flag —since will get you going.

Journalctls output can be piped, so if you know what you’re looking for you can grep it easily.

[–] [email protected] 6 points 2 weeks ago (2 children)

Just a heads up for people reading this:

小红书 is a Chinese language app (it added translation just a week or so ago!). The founder claims to have chosen the color red and the 红 part of the name because of his Alma mater stanford [!]. The app is pretty much targeted at lifestyle influencers and women and features prominent shopping and payment integration.

English speakers nicknamed the book Quotations from Chairman Mao the “little red book”. The Chinese nickname is 红宝书 “treasured red book” or “cherished red book”, not “little red book”.

Many posts on 小红书 are making light of the fact that Americans flocked to the bored housewife shopping app.

[–] [email protected] 9 points 2 weeks ago

No social media is decent on privacy.

They’re not private. They’re public. You don’t have the expectation of privacy in public. That’s why people might dress differently walking to the store than they do in their bedrooms.

Social media is an osint treasure trove. It’s lowkey why the idea of osint exists. Don’t expect to have privacy in public spaces like social media and you’ll never be surprised.

This may come as a surprise to you, but lemmy is social media.

小红书 is not private. It’s social media and if what another user said is true then the app version uses plaintext http to transfer data. It’s up to you to determine if that’s a problem for you.

Use a vpn in or around China and your performance might be better. I get a lot of hangs with mullvad us servers.

It’s a nice experience. Check it out if you like.

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