[-] [email protected] 8 points 8 hours ago

Remember Chamberlain? He made his allies submit to german concessions because that would maintain peace. Fast forward five years and we had 40+ million more dead Europeans and the continent bombed to rubble.

[-] [email protected] 11 points 1 month ago

Why base 12 though? Base 16 is even better. And base 60 is even better than that!

[-] [email protected] 31 points 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago)

I wonder how it is secured, or could anyone with a big enough transmitter reprogram it at will...

[-] [email protected] 11 points 3 months ago

He is typing the letter A, but the comment he leaves has no letter A. This comic is shit.

[-] [email protected] 26 points 4 months ago

One hit wonder as a director. And that hit is American Graffiti, not Star Wars.

[-] [email protected] 8 points 6 months ago

It's not harassment, it's protocol. Starfleet has seen enough evil doppelgangers ranging from transporter accidents to mirror universes that there is a policy that forbids them from working for Starfleet. Fake-Kim is not a Starfleet officer, but an auxiliary officer like Neelix and Seven, which is why he is never promoted.

[-] [email protected] 8 points 6 months ago

Within another 5~10 years I doubt most people will be able to distinguish it from something a real person created at all.

Maybe, or maybe not. The issue with machine learning software is that despite what they are marketed as, there is zero intelligence in them. They basically work via trial and error, and to know they have errored they must have references. And with an increasing number of generated content flooding the internet, differentiating the real reference material from generated material will be difficult, as in not cost effective. So we will end up with generated content teaching the model to generate content, and the progress we have seen will be effectively halted.

[-] [email protected] 9 points 6 months ago

Tätähän on tavallaan jatkunut jo jonkin aikaa. Oikeuskansleri sai esimerkiksi osakseen paljon kritiikkiä kun hän oli mukana torppaamassa korona-rajoitusten pahimpia ylilyöntejä, esimerkiksi Uudenmaan sulku loppui samantien kun oikeuskansleri antoi asiasta lausuntonsa. Hän sai myös paljon kritiikkiä siitä, että haukkui Sanna Marinin hallituksen lainvalmistelun maanrakoon.

Se mikä näissä kriiseissä on tullut selväksi on karu totuus siitä että säädetyt lait eivät taivu kriisinhallintaan sillä tavoin kuin lainsäätäjä haluaa ja olettaa. Ja sekös sitten harmittaa kun joku tuleekin ja toteaa että laitonta on.

[-] [email protected] 31 points 11 months ago

Linux. Finland.

Wouldn't have been created without the free universal education that provided Torvalds the free access to university's licenses and hardware.

[-] [email protected] 24 points 1 year ago

With 12 generations, that would apply to pretty much everyone. It would be a statistical anomaly for anyone living today to have the full set of 4094 individual ancestors.

submitted 1 year ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Onhan tuo kyllä ihan eri kaliiberia tehdä tyhmyyksiä parikymppisenä kuin vaikka yli kolmikymppisenä. Tuo kuitenkin esiin hyvin sen, että ronskimpaan huumorin kallellaan olevilla/olleilla tulee olemaan vähän tiukemmat paikat julkisuudessa tulevaisuudessa kun asiat irroitetaan niiden huumorikontekstista.

[-] [email protected] 52 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

What? I have never ever had a discussion in my life about tenths of celsius when discussing weather or thermostat. Nobody does that. The units are small enough to be used in majors.

Freezing is excellent point of reference when you think about what effects it has on our lives. When water freezes, roads get frozen. When water freezes, pipes might blow up. When temperature reaches 0 Fahrenheit, nothing happens. Everything is same as 1 fahrenheit, or -1 fahrenheit. Nothing has changed, it is completely arbitrary.

[-] [email protected] 15 points 1 year ago

Juu, vaikuttaa siltä että Kokoomuksessa monet ovat valmiita taipumaan ihan mihin tahansa kunhan tietyt jutut saadaan läpi. Sinänsä sinisilmäinen lähestymistapa, koska mitään takeita ei ole että sitten tosipaikan tullen Persut äänestävät sovitusti. Edellisessäkin hallituksessa pyöri muuan puolue joka sai kaiken mitä vaati, ja venkoili silti vastaan.

RKP mietityttää kyllä kanssa. Tulikohan sen taustalla vaikuttavien säätiöiden taustaporhoilta mahtikäsky että pitäkää hallitus kasassa niin kauan että työmarkkinoiden muutokset saadaan läpi.

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