[-] [email protected] 43 points 4 months ago

Israel is not a protectorate of the US but an independent and democratic country whose citizens are the ones who choose the government

Okay cool, can we stop supplying weapons and Intel now?

[-] [email protected] 23 points 4 months ago

Part of it is either Reddit manipulating search positioning or Google (most people's default search) prioritizing Reddit results. Searching for answers to questions often results in a half page of Reddit links. They may not be relevant, but that doesn't become apparent until you're there.

[-] [email protected] 30 points 4 months ago

Aah yes, the corporate whiner strategem.

"We overextended and now we have to sell at a loss! Help us, Obiden wan Joenobi, you're our only hope!"

Yeah fuck that. At least these fucks have a hard reset button if they fail. I bet most indebted people wish they could "realign" with little personal cost.

I'll take a 20% subsidy to offset my costs too, thanks.

[-] [email protected] 72 points 4 months ago

As we look at usage of that and the number of people that were redeeming those and using them, it was just not a feature that was available in Crunchyroll and isn’t in our roadmap.

I'll translate corporate dickhead for those in need.

"We determined that the number of people who would be impacted would be low enough to avoid real blowback, so we decided to fuck those people in the Crunchyroll with a rusty Buster Sword because really, who cares what some anime nerd thinks anyway?"

Ideally, they would be forced to honor the "forever" promise in perpetuity. Alternately, forcing them to issue physical copies of equivalent quality to every impacted customer for every title they were to have "forever" access to would be reasonable. Plus, you know, a massive 'acting like complete dicks' penalty for trying to pull this nonsense.

[-] [email protected] 48 points 4 months ago

I'd be interested in seeing the number of E2EE enabled accounts used for criminal activity versus the number of regular ol' free Gmail, Yahoo, Outlook etc accounts. Governments absolutely have a hate-on for E2EE, so the police calling out these services specifically raises questions of motive.

Not that we should not be shutting down criminals... but this sort of framing tends to suggest that E2EE services are inherently criminal enabling, and that does not feel like a mistake.

[-] [email protected] 28 points 4 months ago

Name them, shame them. They deserve the notoriety that their racist behavior offers.

[-] [email protected] 32 points 5 months ago

Not quite, but pretty close. You still hold copyrights in anything protected by copyright for example. They just have a perpetual license to use your work. We really ought to be working on laws to protect privacy and limit corp content piracy without explicitly clear opt-ins.

[-] [email protected] 32 points 5 months ago

He misspoke.

He meant "total genocide."

submitted 5 months ago* (last edited 5 months ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Sorry for the mere preview; I'm not sure how to upload multiple images on Kbin, if there is a way at all.

If it piques your interest, you can find the rest of it on my Erisly profile here.

So what is this? Basically, we've created a comprehensive random person generator for the Western Heartlands (where Baldur's Gate takes place) based on demographic data gleaned from Forgotten Realms sourcebooks. I know it's isn't strictly Baldur's Gate III, but we thought those of you who also enjoy tabletop play might find it handy.

Use, enjoy, or ignore as you like!

submitted 5 months ago* (last edited 5 months ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Sorry for the mere preview; I'm not sure how to upload multiple images on Kbin, if there is a way at all.

If it piques your interest, you can find the rest of it on my Erisly profile here.

So what is this? Basically, we've created a comprehensive random person generator for the Western Heartlands (where Baldur's Gate takes place) based on demographic data gleaned from Forgotten Realms sourcebooks. We use it to replace the rather lackluster Reincarnation table, to generate people in the world, and to brainstorm new character ideas.

Use, enjoy, or ignore as you like!

submitted 5 months ago* (last edited 5 months ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]
submitted 5 months ago* (last edited 5 months ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

I've been trying to get answers from Proton for literal months concerning critical functionality issues with their mobile Android client. Messages are often truncated / missing data; clearly, there's a disconnect between the cached version of the message and the message the user sees. Unfortunately, every attempt to resolve this with support is met with boilerplate "try our beta app" at best, ghosting at worst.

I have supported Proton as a paid user since 2018. It would be nice to think that they value their early adopters, but... honestly... their actions suggest otherwise.

Edit: Proton acknowledges the issue, offers no timeline for a fix:

Please be informed that the issue has been reported and our developers are aware, they are look for fixing it in one of the future updates of the app. Unfortunately, we cannot provide an ETA on when the permanent fix will be available.

[-] [email protected] 61 points 6 months ago

Oh, so he only wanted to be a dictator for the FIRST day. Got it, sir.

That anyone supports this fetid fecal stain is beyond my comprehension.

[-] [email protected] 28 points 6 months ago* (last edited 6 months ago)

The location of the nautiloid crash site and the grove have been bugging us for some time, so we decided to take it upon ourselves to figure out where exactly, we start. The inner line on the image, where it intersects the Chionthar, is our estimate.

Supporting evidence:

In the gameplay demo, available at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B9hU6UJX_pc, Larian references the crash site as "200 miles from Baldur's Gate." However, 200 miles from BG intersects Elturel, suggesting that "as the crow flies" is not right. Instead, we used string to measure out 200 miles by river.

The tieflings in the Grove mention being "a ten-day" away from the Gate. #dnd characters move approximately 24 miles a day. We assume they round up a bit, account for difficult terrain on parts of the trail, and the slower pace of children. They also likely estimate from their (former) home of Elturel versus the relatively unfamiliar Grove.

Blighted Village / Moonhaven

The Blighted Village (Moonhaven) is recorded as being on the edge of Elturgard. While Elturgard likely extends out quite a ways on paper, they are not likely regularly patrolling more than a day out.

Additionally, goblin raiders on the grove do not carry many supplies, suggesting that they can raid and return "home" in less than a day.

Some maps place the Grove much closer to Elturel. However, we believe that even with their recent return from Avernus, they'd have sent scouts to investigate the crash of the nautiloid if they'd seen it. Based on the altitude of the ship when it began its descent, our placement puts it below their line of sight.

The tiefling refugees would have put enough distance between Elturel and themselves to avoid harassment, but they were laden with children. A day's journey, if that was the edge of Elturel's patrols, makes sense to us.

Placing the grove further west puts it too close to Baldur's Gate, in our opinion, as the travel times would no longer make sense. #dnd #dungeonsanddragons

[-] [email protected] 60 points 7 months ago

I've been browsing older Forgotten Realms sourcebooks and the love that the authors put into those is amazing. It hurts to see D&D and the worlds I grew up loving destroyed by a soulless entity that cares only about profit.

[-] [email protected] 47 points 7 months ago* (last edited 7 months ago)

Ah yes. Hasbro, whose executives are raking in millions, have just laid off 1100 people two weeks before Christmas because "they gotta get leaner."

Hasbro, who tried to renege on the OGL.

Unsurprising. A shame they own D&D.

Never was there a more appropriately named CEO.

submitted 7 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Good afternoon (or whatever time it may be for you!) Long-time supporter of Proton here with a strange, possibly deal-breaking issue. For the past few months, my users have been noticing that outgoing mail is often missing the end of their message. So far, Proton has been unhelpful, pasting in boilerplate about using the beta client (we did, no luck) and promising that they're working the issue.

With the issue reported in September and it now being December, I'm not super hopeful! We use Proton for professional stuff, so this truncating messages deal is not cool. Anyone have any magical fixes we can try?

Here's to hoping!

submitted 7 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]
submitted 7 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Before I begin, let me just say that I love D&D, have for years. And despite its flaws I love 5E; its probably the most accessible version of D&D I've played... and I've played a fair few versions.

But... but! I'm sorely disappointed in 5th Edition's lazy approach to fleshing out the Forgotten Realms. There's just not a lot of official, contemporary material available and what is available has been watered down. I've taken to working with 3E / 3.5E worldbbooks because that's the last time I remember Wizards putting out quality worldbooks.

Am I just missing an amazing set of sources? Are there must-haves on a third party site that I may not know about?

Or, am I right in thinking that the current focus on comprehensive campaigns has left those who are interested in a less structured approach scrounging to find good source?

(Perhaps next time, we can chat about the lack of good, official one-shot adventures.)

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