submitted 1 day ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Right wrist (I'm a leftie): Garmin Instinct Crossover Solar Tactical (with generic glass screen protector and silicone case)

Front left pocket:

Front right pocket: my iPhone 15 Pro Max in a black Spigen Tough Armor case

Back right pocket: a large handkerchief (I get bloody noses and my engine runs pretty hot - I can sweat a lot at times)

Back left pocket: reserved for my minimalist EDC wallet when I carry it (not the exact model, I don't always carry, as I can use my phone for everything, including digital driver's licence)

Belt, right side:

Belt, left side: RAE Gear sheath for Leatherman bit kit, holding:

When I go camping/offroading, I'll often put the Leatherman into a Toolbro holster, holding my Wuben L50 rechargeable torch.

Sadly, it looks like WJMake is no longer selling on Etsy (where I got the Toolbro), which is a real shame. They sold some really nice, handmade EDC accessories, and were happy to customise to suit my exact needs.

Mine has the extra elastic loop on the side to hold my Space Pen, an extra pocket on the front to hold the Leatherman saw blade, and they swapped out belt loops for a pair of belt clips, so I could wear/remove without having to undo my belt - a really important (to me) capability when camping and offroading.

[-] [email protected] 3 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago)

Right wrist (I'm a leftie): Garmin Instinct Crossover Solar Tactical (with generic glass screen protector and silicone case)

Front left pocket:

Front right pocket: my iPhone 15 Pro Max in a black Spigen Tough Armor case

Back right pocket: a large handkerchief (I get bloody noses and my engine runs pretty hot - I can sweat a lot at times)

Back left pocket: reserved for my minimalist EDC wallet when I carry it (not the exact model, I don't always carry, as I can use my phone for everything, including digital driver's licence)

Belt, right side:

Belt, left side: RAE Gear sheath for Leatherman bit kit, holding:

When I go camping/offroading, I'll often put the Leatherman into a Toolbro holster, holding my Wuben L50 rechargeable torch.

Sadly, it looks like WJMake is no longer selling on Etsy (where I got the Toolbro), which is a real shame. They sold some really nice, handmade EDC accessories, and were happy to customise to suit my exact needs.

Mine has the extra elastic loop on the side to hold my Space Pen, an extra pocket on the front to hold the Leatherman saw blade, and they swapped out belt loops for a pair of belt clips, so I could wear/remove without having to undo my belt - a really important (to me) capability when camping and offroading.

[-] [email protected] 2 points 1 day ago

I'm still using it via mbasic. It looks like shit, but I can get to my messages and reply, etc.

[-] [email protected] 3 points 2 days ago

Er, what question? You day drinking over there?

[-] [email protected] 3 points 2 days ago

Jesus, talk about failing to get the point.

I'm not talking about my government or yours. I'm talking about society making a change for the better. That requires change at a generational level. Bigger guns aren't the answer - changing people's thinking is.

But, by all means, feel free to keep playing the Team America card. That's what landed that orange-skinned moron in the White House for his first term.

[-] [email protected] 3 points 2 days ago

Maybe you should take the time to engage your own critical thinking, and realise not everyone is American.


[-] [email protected] 3 points 2 days ago

Can we reason our way to revolt, already?

`twould be nice, but I see this as requiring a multi-generational solution. We need enough young voters to get out there and vote with their social conscience, to overcome the combined weight of ignorance, money and power.

[-] [email protected] 8 points 2 days ago

For channels I want to preserve, Tube Archivist. For individual videos, yt-dlp.

[-] [email protected] 63 points 2 days ago

Critical thinking, so everyone could understand that everyone else has their own shit that matters to them.

The world would be a lot nicer to live in if entire groups of our society didn’t feel this incessant need to convert others to their way of thinking, be it political, cultural, or religious.

As long as one person isn’t hurting or subjugating another, IDGAF.

[-] [email protected] 2 points 3 days ago

In your mobile browser, instead of m[dot]facebook[dot]com, try mbasic[dot]facebook[dot]com.

Very no frills FB for mobile, that lets you access Messenger. It looks like arse, but it beats using their spyware.

[-] [email protected] 28 points 4 days ago

TIL that the US doesn't have apprenticeships. We have them over here in Australia, for the usual trades. But we also regulate a lot of those things - we're not allowed to handle our own electrical work if we're not trade qualified.

How does it work in the US, if a kid wants to become, say, a plumber?

[-] [email protected] 2 points 6 days ago

Yes - I do this with Pi-hole. It happens to be the same domain name that I host (very few) public services on too, so those DNS names work both inside and outside my network.

submitted 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

I host a Plex server for our household, which includes a couple of teenagers. All members of the household (myself included) have a PIN protected managed user profile on our Plex server.

The problem is, if I let the teenagers have my Plex account password to login to our Plex server, it automatically logs them in with the Home Admin profile, whereas I'd much rather it force them to select from the list of profiles on our server (eg. just like Netflix does).

This means that, every now and then, I have to manually go to whichever new device they want to run Plex on (such as a Playstation) and handle the login process myself, so I can be certain they're logged in with their own user profile - not the Home Admin profile.

I've set a PIN on the Home Admin profile, but that doesn't help unless you've already logged in first, then go to use fast user switching to select a different profile. On very first login, Plex will always auto-select the Home Admin profile.

I've searched high and low, but can't find any info or settings that help me change this behaviour.

So, my question is simple: is it possible to prevent auto-login as the Home Admin profile, and force selection from the list of managed users instead?

Thanks in advance.

EDIT: I should have provided more details about what I've tried so far. We have tested out using a separate Plex user account for the oldest kid, as all the reading I did suggested she would "inherit" my server's Plex Pass rights when streaming from it.

But, we found that the iPhone app could still stop playback after a minute. Plus we couldn't log her account onto the shared Chromecast TV, so she could watch her shows on the house TV. So we ended up moving her back to a managed user profile on our server.

EDIT 2: after some more reading, it now seems the mobile app must either be logged in with a Plex Pass account (mine, in our case) or the user has to pay a once-off fee to unlock it.

I could've sworn it was different when I first read about it a year or two back, where the app would "inherit" the server's rights, but I guess that's either faulty memory or they changed the rules. The once off unlock fee isn't a big problem, so that's one hurdle overcome.

The second problem is how to use multiple Plex accounts on the Plex app for Chromecast, so the kids can enjoy their content on the big screen when they want to. Has anyone cracked the code on how to achieve that?

submitted 2 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

I've just switched back to an iPhone after 10 years on Android, so forgive me if this is an obvious question.

I'm trying to setup a bedtime focus so that I only get notifications from specific apps - doorbell app, etc.

Logically, the way to do this is setup an explicit whitelist for those apps in my Sleep focus, on the assumption that anything else is muted. And this seems to work... for other apps.

But, system sounds still make noise - lock sound, going on charge, etc.

Is there any way to mute those sounds in a Focus? I thought the Silent Mode filter would do that, but that also turns off the notification sounds for the whitelisted apps. This seems a little counterintuitive to me, but it is what it is, I guess.

It seems like this should be an obvious thing to want, but I can't find any useful help content anywhere that explicitly talks about this. Or it may be that I'm not searching using the right Apple terminology.

So, short version: is there a way to selectively mute system sounds using a Focus, while still allowing selected apps to audibly notify?

Thanks in advance.

submitted 4 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

IMO, this is yet another government initiative that's turning out to be an absolute joke.

My 9yo daughter has been hounding our household to not throw our 10c deposit containers into the council bin. Instead, she wants to collect them and cash them in using the CDS Vic scheme. As she puts it, we get money AND the containers get recycled properly, rather than what happens with our commingled recycling bin.

The problem is, every time I go to one of the reverse vending machines in my area, they're out of order, or there's only one receiver working, with about six people in line, all with several bags or boxes each.

Then the CDS Vic app itself says the same operator is running an over the counter collection at our local netball club, but someone was dreaming when they put that into the app. I've never seen anyone collecting recycling there, and I drive past it at least twice daily.

The operator in our area (Return-It) should lose their contract for being fucking useless.

This has been going on for so long now, that I'm now holding an estimated 400-600 bottles and cans, which my daughter is begging me to not toss out, so we can get rid of them "the right way".

I'm all for doing the right thing, and making sure recyclables are, well, recycled properly, but when the personal inconvenience level is so high, all it does is cost more taxpayer dollars without moving the needle on our recycling performance.


submitted 4 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Can't even take a short break from 3D designing stuff. Glad I'm switching over to FreeCAD. All I wanted was to grab some dimensions from an old model.

submitted 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

cross-posted from: https://reddrefuge.com/post/189022

Obligatory note for those that haven't read/retained the news: Simple Mobile Tools was sold to ZipoApps - an Israeli company that specialises in buying and monetising popular apps.

Fossify is the fork of the Simple Mobile Tools repos, and they're gradually getting through each app and re-releasing them under the new name.

submitted 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Obligatory note for those that haven't read/retained the news: Simple Mobile Tools was sold to ZipoApps - an Israeli company that specialises in buying and monetising popular apps.

Fossify is the fork of the Simple Mobile Tools repos, and they're gradually getting through each app and re-releasing them under the new name.

[-] [email protected] 263 points 5 months ago

This is ridiculous. It is truly ridiculous. How can something that enables the user to efficiently control their AC cause “significant economic harm”???

We're discussing this over in [email protected]. This absolutely has to be about them losing access to data they can sell to 3rd parties. The hOn ToS will no doubt have a clause that enables this.

It's a dick move for sure.

submitted 6 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

So, after nearly 10 years of faithful service, my shitty ol' Wanhao i3 Plus is finally ready for retirement. Steppers are buzzing, occasional collisions with the bed, and the heat block just doesn't... heat as quickly as it used to.

Talking to a mate who does a lot more printing than I, it seems I can't pass up the Ender 3 V2. The right price for what I typically do, and is backed by a mature community.

I've ordered the auto-level kit with it, but nothing else. My i3 already sits in a Lack Rack I made, and it should comfortably take the new printer.

I have a couple of functional print projects on the backburner that were waiting for me to make a move, but wanted to get some advice on mods and upgrades first, that might make the first experience with the Ender even better.

So, asking the more experienced Ender owners out there: are there any essential upgrades, preferably 3D printed, you think I should look at first?

Cheers in advance!

submitted 6 months ago* (last edited 6 months ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

I just spent a good chunk of today migrating some services onto new docker containers in Proxmox LXCs.

As I was updating my network diagram, I was struck by just how many services, hosts, and LXCs I'm running, so counted everything up.

  • 116 docker containers
    • Running on 25 docker hosts
    • 50 are the same on each docker host - Watchtower and Portainer agent
  • 38 Proxmox LXCs (19 are docker hosts)
  • 8 physical servers
  • 7 VLANs
  • 5 SSIDs
  • 2 NASes

So, it got me wondering about the size of other people's homelabs. What are your stats?

submitted 6 months ago* (last edited 6 months ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

We have tickets for a festival he's headlining next month. I'm sure the promoters will line up someone else who'll put on a good show but, having seen Jimmy at this festival before, I know he'll be missed.

Wishing Jimmy a full, and speedy, recovery. The man's a national treasure!

submitted 7 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

I assume this is the genesis of a Five Eyes cloud platform.

Questions for me are which commercial partners are in the mix, and how will they ensure TS-level security?

I guess we'll never truly know, but it's hard not to worry about the implications of this.

submitted 7 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

"In Catholic morality, consent is necessary, but not sufficient, to make the sexual act right or wrong. It is the long-held teaching of Christ that sexual activity is only legitimately expressed within the loving relationship between husband and wife."

Er. Who's going to tell them?

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