Oh shit are the bell riots happening rn? I gotta get prepped
joined 1 year ago
You kinda have to when half of your "team" is barely even able to write code.
Hey man the burn was just a temporary setback
smh, just vote illegaly
Its literally a post-scarcity socialist utopia on Earth
CS students
Because they're giant applications that do a lot under the hood that you don't see. Of course you can write your own, we did that during my degree but it was extremely basic.
The number of times I got in trouble for not standing during the pledge was crazy
The red scare and McCarthyism
Why are you sorry
I don't think they're dead. They were wildly popular in the earlier days of the internet when it was still a relatively small place. Now there's more people playing games than ever before. And a much lower proportion playing MMOs