
joined 1 year ago
[–] [email protected] 7 points 2 weeks ago

Yeah isn't this like the thing that California required them to do?

[–] [email protected] 1 points 2 weeks ago

Netherlands :)

[–] [email protected] 1 points 2 weeks ago

I live in the Netherlands

[–] [email protected] 17 points 2 weeks ago (5 children)

For me it's not the time spent at the checkout that matters, it's the time spent waiting at the checkout. Also over here cashiers don't bag your items for you, so you have to do that anyway

Also also, they have these really handy hand scanners over here so I can already bag my items while I'm walking through the store, and then the only thing I have to do at self-checkout is hand in the scanner and pay for the groceries. That is genuinely a lot faster than normal cash register shenanigans.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 1 month ago

I got taught that rule in my freshman year, but then my thesis advisor told me to stop doing that because "only old people write like that"

So I suppose academia is evolving (however you still aren't allowed to use first person speech)

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 month ago

I would put Russel's reaction in "sehr Mäßig" and Toto's reaction under "was hab' mich überkommen 😭"

[–] [email protected] 23 points 2 months ago

Spheres of Chaos is an old asteroids based game that really ups the ante on trippyness and cool sounds

I should warn you though that it is very flashy, so epilepsy warning is in order

[–] [email protected] 1 points 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago) (1 children)

As a nix user, guix looks legit nice but it took me until 2 days ago to actually find community projects made for guix( . Sometimes I just wish they used the same store and daemon as nix so that nix packages can work as guix dependencies and vice versa.

(Also major thing stopping me from using guix is I don't get service types at all, let alone how you'd define your own service :( )

[–] [email protected] 1 points 2 months ago
[–] [email protected] 3 points 4 months ago

Ik heb sinds kort een nieuwe telefoon. Het scherm is, net zoals meest nieuwe telefoons, zo groot mogelijk. De voorkant is bijna 100% touchscreen. Dit betekent dat de speakers en microfoon aan de onderkant van de telefoon zitten, waardoor je dus mensen als beste hoort als je zo in je telefoon praat. (Ook al moet ik zeggen dat ik speakers aan de bovenkant van mn telefoon zie, maar ik heb ze nog niet horen werken :( )


Ok dus ik ben net naar het toilet geweest en er schiet me opeens een brandende vraag naar binnen: Hoe gebruiken jullie het woord "noch"? Ik heb het namelijk in meerdere vormen gezien en vroeg me af of er een correcte versie is.

De versies die ik eerder heb gezien zijn:

  • Ik heb het een noch het andere gedaan
  • Ik heb niet het een noch het andere gedaan
  • Ik heb niet het een noch niet het andere gedaan
  • (Ik heb het ene niet gedaan en het andere ook niet gedaan) (sommige mensen gebruiken het woord "noch" gewoon niet)

Ik ben persoonlijk voorstander van versie 2, aangezien het duidelijk een opsomming van ontkenningen aanduidt, maar ik vraag me af of er mensen zijn die er andere gedachtes over hebben


So today Unity announced changes in how they are going to monetize their game engine, and it is, rightfully might I add, poorly recieved Here is how much youtuber Dani would have to pay unity if they consider his games to gain over $200k in revenue Dani's hypothetical unity payments

Now I don't know how much tracking crackers and re-packers remove from the games getting cracked, but if unity were to count cracked games as a valid install (and they will count every install of a game they are aware of), thn piracy could seriously bankrupt indie devs. Like, not just losing them revenue, but actively losing them money. While piracy is already in an ethical grey area, I think that is just a bit too much. So, I want to raise awareness of this, and with it I have 2 questions to ask:

  • Do the people that crack games make sure to remove the ability of unity tracking cracked installs?
  • If the answer to the previous question is "no", how do we make them aware of the fact that it is probably for the better if they do this?

I think, especially in programming language communities, that there tends to be a preference towards making a static language for their compile time guarantees, and this is a pretty concrete counterargument as to why people find dynamic languages "easier to program in"

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