
joined 10 months ago

Anyone know if it's possible to expose disk usage stats from Synology onto Homarr?


I previously installed CoreDNS on a Docker container using the following command:

docker run -d --name coredns --restart=always --volume=/home//Documents/docker/coredns/:/root/ -p 53:53/udp coredns/coredns -conf /root/Corefile

CoreDNS is working just fine on that container.

I'm trying to install CoreDNS on a second container on another host, but for this one I'd like to use a compose file instead of that Docker run command. But I can't figure out how to represent that -conf argument from the run command onto the compose file. Any ideas?


Like the title says. Is there physically enough space on the board to support the POE HAT, M.2 SSD (which I believe requires a HAT), and the active cooler?


My Daminion webserver runs at If I omit the trailing /daminion, I land on the default IIS webserver screen.

I have NPM configured for on the Details tab, and on the Custom Locations tab I have the Location set to /, Scheme is http, forward host is, and port is 80.

When I attempt to navigate to the proxy host, NPM is taking me to (the subdirectory is appending twice). Any ideas why this is happening? I'm following the instructions listed in the comments on this page.


I have containers that are sitting behind an Nginx reverse proxy. In order to monitor them via Uptime Kuma on a different physical host, should I:

a) Point Uptime Kuma at the FQDN of the container that goes through NPM?


b) Point Uptime Kuma at the [internal IP]:[port] of the container?

My concern with option A is I'm not really sure if it's heartbeating off the target container, or simply the NPM. Meaning, the container could be down but NPM is up therefore Uptime Kuma thinks the container is up.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 9 months ago

The formatting didn't come through correctly in my post, but I have it formatted exactly per the instructions on this page. The only change I made was the server_name field


I just installed Uptime Kuma in a Docker container on the same host and custom bridge network as my NPM container. I can reach it if I navigate directly to host ip:port, but not if I go through the reverse proxy. I saw the note about special configuration in order to reach it behind a reverse proxy, but I don't think I'm doing it correctly.

I added the following configuration to the Advanced tab of the Uptime Kuma proxy host. exists in my local DNS and points to my NPM, just like everything else that I have pointing at it. Any ideas what I'm doing wrong?

server {

listen 80;

server_name uptimekuma.``mydomain``.com``;

location / {

proxy_pass http://localhost:3001;

proxy_http_version 1.1;

proxy_set_header Upgrade $http_upgrade;

proxy_set_header Connection "upgrade";

proxy_set_header Host $host;




I've seen some conflicting comments in various places regarding whether or not it's a good idea to connect a Docker host to remote storage via NFS. Wanted to get this communities thoughts on this.

I'm early in building out my Docker homelab, but I've installed Paperless-ngx and I have a ton of PDF's that I'd like to move over to it. My Docker host is just a Raspberry Pi and I don't want to be storing all of those documents on its SD card. Not to mention data storage for other containers going forward. What's the general consensus about mounting a Synology share and pointing my data storage at it?


I have a NUC 7 that isn’t being used for anything so I’d like to put Linux and Docker on it. Can anyone recommend a Linux distro that will provide the best hardware support?

[–] [email protected] 1 points 10 months ago (1 children)

I have questions about this. I’ll be getting another Pi or two and was considering putting k8s on them. Would I be able to set them up with kubernetes and then import my existing Docker containers from my current Pi to them?


I have a Raspberry Pi running Docker and a number of containers. I plan on adding another Pi soon. Curious what folks are using for a dashboard to monitor performance of all your hosts and containers. I was thinking of deploying Grafana for this but am curious what others use.


Like the title says. What's the best way to be notified when there are updates to a containerized app that you've installed? Is there any way for Portainer to track this?


Is anyone aware of a simple containerized app for image conversion? Just basic features like converting from webp->jpg etc. and possibly resizing. Looking for a container I can run on my Raspberry Pi.


Today I finally got around to installing Docker on a Raspberry Pi 4. I created containers for Portainer, Mealie, and a subscription tracker that I forget the name of. I’ll probably also install containers for CoreDNS and Firefly 3 ( which looks really useful).

This got me wondering… what are some other prebuilt containers that might be interesting or useful in a homelab?

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