
joined 4 months ago
[–] [email protected] 2 points 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago)

I was already pinged to a discussion of it.

There's so much to read that I haven't already. I think real democratic control of a license could be good. Though, I haven't taken time to understand the governance structure of it.

However, they explicitly name and define machine learning model training as a prohibited use of the covered work.

This doesn't immediately sound bad to me.

I'm not informed on software law. As an example, my understanding from Oracle v. Google is that Google received a ruling from the Supreme Court around 2020 that stated their copyrighted use of a public API, like the public side documentation side of method calls could not be considered a violation of copyrighted works. The idea that they could use machine learning on the internal code of methods and use it to write their own version from the the start of the method call doesn't exactly seem like a good thing to allow.

Though, this is a really uninformed opinion. I haven't read any of it in detail. The public opinion is usually on Google's side. I'll leave an excerpt.

Now let us consider the example that the District Court used to explain the precise technology here. Id., at 980– 981. A programmer wishes, as part of her program, to de- termine which of two integers is the larger. To do so in the Java language, she will first write java.lang. Those words (which we have put in bold type) refer to the “package” (or by analogy to the file cabinet). She will then write Math. That word refers to the “class” (or by analogy to the drawer). She will then write max. That word refers to the “method” (or by analogy to the recipe). She will then make two pa- rentheses ( ). And, in between the parentheses she will put two integers, say 4 and 6, that she wishes to compare. The whole expression—the method call—will look like this: “java.lang.Math.max(4, 6).” The use of this expression will, by means of the API, call up a task-implementing pro- gram that will determine the higher number.

In writing this program, the programmer will use the very symbols we have placed in bold in the precise order we have placed them. But the symbols by themselves do noth- ing. She must also use software that connects the symbols to the equivalent of file cabinets, drawers, and files. The API is that software. It includes both the declaring code that links each part of the method call to the particular task-implementing program, and the implementing code that actually carries it out. (For an illustration of this tech- nology, see Appendix B, infra.)

Now we can return to the copying at issue in this case. Google did not copy the task-implementing programs, or implementing code, from the Sun Java API. It wrote its own task-implementing programs, such as those that would determine which of two integers is the greater or carry out any other desired (normally far more complex) task.

This isn't all that relevant, and there's lots of case law. It just seems slightly frustrating to me that the law might allow 1) a company to use copyright software for learning 2) take public methods, and their supporting documentation 3) and finally use them inconjunction with a prompt of the documentation to generate the internal code.

This all is a very unresearched or serious view of it. For whatever reason, I just was already thinking about it. It's all to say, I think I understand the argument for disallowing machine learning use. I haven't really decided where I align. I think it's really valuable that we can automate anything, but I also feel negative to the idea of signing everything over to the tech companies and hoping for the best.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago)

Second, while copyleft doesn’t get developers paid directly, it does at least given them a fairer chance to compete on more equal footing with big tech companies that would otherwise embrace and (closed-source) extend if it were permissively-licensed.

This is throughtout a group where significant members are in frequent communication. It maybe wasn't clear 30 years ago, but organization and centralization of contributors is arguably more obvious today. Equal footing would be able to demand more because of powers like unionization.

I don't even know if people who are primarily licensing would have that goal. It's seems common for someone in this type of position to already have really good career/pay options, they may not see a purpose for organization

[–] [email protected] 1 points 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago)

It looks like he has written lots of information, I haven't any of it yet. In the article it stated before starting this license

In 2020 Perens resigned from the Open Source Initiative, the non-profit overseeing the OSD, when the organization was considering whether to give its blessing to the Cryptographic Autonomy License because he believed it wasn't "freedom respecting."

This doesn't sound bad.

I really want to avoid commenting on it before reading it. I don't know the history very well. I also am not someone with large stakes in open source licensed software already. There are lots of people with millions of dollars that was licensed. Just monumental works.

I think democratic organization would likely be best for determining revenue shares. I just look at 501c(3) non-profits like OpenAI that signed with Microsoft and I'm wondering why I should care that it's a 501c?

My first impression is that 1% sounds insulting, I think high levels of organization are possible between people who license large amounts of open source software. (people who license above $100,000+ in value/yearly)


I think what happened is just the result of many decisions that worked out differently that expected. In 2000, Microsoft didn't have a shared revenue model for their OS. By 2010, Apple did. By 2020, as mentioned in this article, Spotify had already taken it's model and started taking as much as possible from artists.

I'm significantly younger than someone like Stallman. I don't know how or if his actions might have been different if Microsoft existed at the time with a shared revenue model. I just showed up in the aftermath without the to desire to license because I felt like a company was likely to abuse the license.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago) (1 children)

I also don't think I entered with clear goals. Am I designing a license or trying to find a license to use?

I've seen language design blog posts here and on reddit. These are usually long, but with the intent of creating a discussion. I don't think I was even intending to create a discussion or reach an audience. I just was looking for approval of the idea. I think there's always going to be some amount of people that will skim, but stating that text is the issue is wrong, text does not stop productive conversations or creating something.

I think there's also the difference between law and software (outside of machine learning) in that there's also some level of interpretation when the subject is about a spectrum. Like when does yellow become green? I felt like I was stating lots of information that loosely goes together, and it was not concrete or solid in understanding.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago) (3 children)

I really like text. I sometimes read documentation multiple times over before considering asking a question. I don't assume I am correct, and try to verify that I'm not wrong before finally asking a question. Though, other times, I'm guilty of skipping or skimming over text.

The problem I felt like I was having was that I was attempting to describe many complicated rules with as few words as possible. I felt like if I didn't try to limit words, other people would not read it. Even with all of this, it felt like many people who were responding were still not really reading it. In a survey, I might try to cover multiple contract styles, in text, it could be lots of words. The concern is that the importance of the topic will be missed to someone completing a survey.

Maybe a combination of both would be better? Like provide as much text as I want, and also a video with it. I still have to think about it.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago) (3 children)

It's surprising to me that there hasn't been a successful license like this yet. I imagine there are other people considering one too. It looks like he's made more progress than I did though.

My first imprsesion is that 1% of revenue seems low. In comparison

  • Epic - 5%
  • Apple - 30%
  • Google - 30%
  • Amazon - 15-45%
  • Twitch - 30%

I noticed

Post-Open requires a central entity that receives and apportions payment, does enforcement, and operates the service entity (or three central entities, one for each purpose). Open Source developers are very independent, and have not had to deal with a central entity until now, even one that they own.

I think there needs to be very careful consideration when creating organizations to manage a royalty that would apply to the entire industry.

As an example, I imagine there are organizations that dislike Doctors without Borders because they serve communities within Russia or Iran. If there's political takeover on an industry license, it could exclude ever being paid for open source work when it touches sensitive topics.

There's also the risk of financial takeover. The moment the organization starts collecting billions of dollars from copyrighted works, there's extreme incentive for takeover from tech companies. It sounds insane to me to consider something like "developers should sign all their software over to Oracle and trust Oracle to distribute it back." Though, I'm not ready to rule out that an organization can't be successful.

It also creates the complicated question for who should be entitled to funding, and I think it could be tempting to make the case that certain charitable software projects should receive funding. This is in significant contrast to a company like Apple, which collects 30% and can spend it on anything Apple desires. I currently think developers should primarily be entitled to receive the royalty, and if they desire to allocate it to non-profits, that's their decision.

I still really have to think about it.

I like that he's well known. It seems like he is politically controversial. I tried some searches, and it seems like there are mixed opinions about him. I don't personally know the entire history. I think it would be good for a well known and trusted person to champion this type of license.

It also looks like he's open making changes to it. In the article it says he is searching for volunteers and legal funding.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago) (5 children)

This seems like a really good alternative too.

I responded here to @[email protected] detailing how I might try to continue finding terms that are highly approved. I think what I've thought about so far isn't very carefully considered, so before I try to choose a specific license, I want to take some time to think about more options.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago) (1 children)

I took a moment to think about my response.

If I continue, I would like to do something like the following

The group that this targets, software developers, I don't think we're difficult to contact. There's usually personal websites or email addresses associated with accounts. I think it could be possible to survey a large randomized sample, above 10,000 developers who have contributions to highly appreciated repositories.

There would have to be some cut off for who to select. I think I would like to focus on developers who are planning on licensing software, as in, they're already demonstrated they're writing licensed software. This is all to say, I don't want to haphazardly screen the general public opinion.

In this post, I noticed that those responding seemed to slightly skim over or misunderstand parts of it. This is partially a communication failure for me, but also seriously hinted to me that asking with text about licensing details seems like it could be a bad idea. I think like a video that first covers topics followed by a survey might be better, but I'm worried something like that will bias those that I ask.

Before all of this, before I talk to a lawyer, I want to think about all possible restrictions or options available. This is where I think comitting to a git repository would be a very good idea. Just making an attempt to determine everything that is relevant, because there are clear differences in how a license should work.

After that, I can consult to determine what is and isn't possible. And from there, I'm hopeful that it's possible to carefully survey and understand opinions on what more developers and companies would like to see in a license.

I don't want to accidentally create a license that becomes stuck and is extremely damaging. I want it to serve those that are using it in a way that makes them happy.

I'm still not 100% committed to this yet, but feel good about the responses here. I was worried the responses would be highly negative, as it's something that takes very unrestrictive software and tries to convince the authors to charge for it. I'll have to think about what I want to do some more.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago) (1 children)

or there’s a clause that says it must be included with incompatibly licensed software, in which case it’s parasitic: someone could still clone my library, replace the dependency that uses your license with some other library that doesn’t - remove the parasite, so to speak. In the latter case, I could still BSD-3 Clause or MIT my library, with a big ol’ warning in the README about your license and the implications.

A clause for being included with incompatibly licensed software would likely be my preference given the other doesn't have more support. My first impression is that having people use it is more important. A goal of the license being to make it overwhelming to escape because it is everywhere.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago)

It does have to be careful to not be exploitable. I know in this post, there's already been mentions of using revenue instead of income. I am aware, and in the past I have seen posts on reddit about actors who were denied pay in the millions because of creative accounting. (and probably also due to them not consulting a lawyer before signing)

Lawyers are probably the best positioned to give advice.

I'm not searching for advice yet, I'm just interested in understanding what others want in a license still. A lawyer will be necessary for being confident that a license is enforceable.

I like the distribution to set group sizes. I dislike royalties directly to a nonprofit, I have doubts about the people who will show up the moment it's managing billions of dollars in royalties.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago)

I love this idea. I feel like a shakeup with licenses is needed. I wonder if you could consult a lawyer then ask some larger open source projects if they would be willing to adopt the license?

Contacting authors of repositories seems really smart. I imagine it could be possible to contact a large percentage of them. I just want to be confident that I have a good license that will be liked before I make an attempt.

edit: Though, looking for feedback from them might also be a really good idea

[–] [email protected] 1 points 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago) (7 children)

I think revenue seems easier to enforce too. Just revenue didn't really make sense in the context of what I was doing, as people are writing contracts that handle millions of dollars and collecting like less than half of a percent. It's just confusing. It does make sense when the business is creating iOS or Android Apps and selling digital items, etc. I think the license could be restricted to business category, it's just more to consider, and a lawyer would probably really understand it.

I'm not exactly sure what is meant by investment valuation tests. As an example, is the investment valuation supposed to be something like "the financial contribution to this repository cannot be more than 5x the estimated cost to contract the entire source code by a reputable institution?"

Oh. I thought “it” was your software project.

Yes, I want to use a custom license for my project.

I've also wanted for a while to create some type of distributed royalty license, but the level of effort I want to put into that is just dependent upon how much potential there is for it to be successful. I haven't decided on what I will do yet for my own project. I think the main issue is it's just difficult to find terms that are not hard to understand and people readily support.


Feedback on open source royalty license?

I'm about to release a library, and do not want to use a normal free license like the MIT, Apache, or the GPL. I want to keep the license simple and easy to understand. It also would be considered a non-free license, as it requires a royalty payment. Though, the royalty would not be directly to this library, but open source repositories in general. This is what I had considered so far.

  • 5% of generated income (per profit generating product) paid as royalty yearly to "approved open source repositories" if income is above $1,000,000/year. It's free if income is below that amount. The goal is to be similar to Unreal's license.
  • All repostiories on that meet these requirements are "approved open source repositories"
    • They have more than or equal to 1000 stars
      • I'm aware that stars can be purchased, but this is against GitHub's TOS and the case for fraud is more obvious. Intentionally purchasing stars with the intent of not paying royalty is similar to just not paying the royalty
    • The royalty must be paid between at least 10 repositories, with no more than 10% to a single repository
      • I might provide some lists with easy methods for averaged mass payments to like 100s or 1000s of repositories, but if they want to use discretion, it's allowed. They are just prevented from contributing everything to 1 repository.
    • They cannot be the same repository or project that is paying a royalty, but the same organization is approved as long the individual repository meets the requirements
      • The intent is to partially reward companies with many highly starred open source contributions, but their use level is on their own PR. I also dislike the idea of verifying and tracking identities of different library authors, as I like to create repositories without them being associated with my name. Though, I do think that it makes sense for stars. (The developers providing stars would technically be voting on who should be elgible for financial contributions)
  • After 5 years, the license transitions automatically into MIT or public domain for the version used. Though, new versions could still be under the same license.
  • License is automatically compatible with licenses that use the same wording.
    • No extra royalty if another dependency also uses this license
    • If the other license raises or lowers the royalty rate, it's still compatible, with the royalty rate being the higher of the two.
    • It's also compatible if the amount of repositories is raised above 10 by limiting percentages more.
    • And, also compatible if the star threshold is raised.
  • If GitHub removes stars, the existing approved repositories at the time of removal will persist as royalty options, but no new options will be automatically defined. (As the copyright holder, I still maintain the right to increase approved repostiories at anytime by issuing under a new license)
  • No liability. The liability is still similar to MIT, Apache, GPL, etc.
  • Royalty is paid by taxable year, follows tax season for US.
    • Chosen repositories by the payer must be listed on the license
      • Inclusion must link GitHub URL, payment amount, year
    • The license must be distributed in the same location as all other distributed licenses in their application
  • Just like the MIT or Apache license, the license cannot be revoked unless the licensed company decides to break the law, sue the license issuer, etc. No expectation of support, etc.
  • The source can be modified. Usage of it does not need to stay open source.
  • (Maybe, if possible) - Provide GitHub the ability to sue companies in noncompliance for a 10% reward of the settlement after lawyer fees.
  • (Maybe) - Include Codeberg too. Though, I'm concerned other developers will be less likely to use a license of this type if they don't recognize the organization.

The motivation is just that I believe it's possible for a license like this to work. Tech companies frequently use a similar income model for their products and do not have issues paying Apple their 30% tax. There's often a expectation that companies contribute back to open source repositories, so I view 5% as an easy amount to meet. (Companies should already be contributing back at a level to where this license is viewed as free) Though, I don't expect any large company to move fast on a license of this type.

I've considered a license like this in the past, but thought about it again when Microsoft requested support for FFmpeg when their engineer hadn't read documentation. When requesting a support contract, Microsoft offered $2000. This was viewed as insulting to the FFmpeg developers as Microsoft generates billions of dollars in income every year while using their software in their products.

Large companies, like Microsoft and Google, pay Apple 30% to list their products. (30% of a billion is 300 million, 150,000x more than $2k) I don't think spending the money is the issue, they just frequently refuse until they are without options.

I haven't consulted a lawyer for it. I'm just interested in understanding how it is perceived. I also am willing to consider significant changes, but I haven't had better ideas for creating a license for funding open source.

As for my library

  • It's unimportant, in a niche, and blockchain related
  • I wrote it for personal use
  • It won't bother me if the license just completely fails or is impossible to enforce. (Though, Unreal Engine uses a 5% royalty license that seems successful)
  • It also won't be elgible for part of the royalty until it meets the same requirements.
  • I expect developers who might use it will not be generating above $1m, so they won't care that it's not under MIT, Apache, GPL, etc.

Any suggested changes if I decide to do something like this? As an example, larger/lower star requirement? (I was concerned of excluding really high quality software that just hasn't received notice by other developers) I also like the idea of changing the maximum contribution to 1% per repository as I think it could become difficult for companies to exploit. (Though, I was concerned that companies acting in good faith would be encouraged to not support really good projects that badly need financial contributions) I also think same organization contributions seem bad to approve, but my opinion for allowing it is because developers are rating these repositories as highly appreciated. (They're contributing really high quality open source software) Is this a bad idea or seem too complicated?

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