[-] [email protected] 30 points 11 months ago

Yo fellas, is it gay to take lunch to work? ๐Ÿ˜‚

[-] [email protected] 17 points 11 months ago

This. Even "liberals" are out here "PROTEST IS COOL AND ALL BUT DESTRUCTION OF PROPERTY JUST MAKES EVERYONE HATE YOUR CAUSE" over a fucking sticker or sign stuck to something.

[-] [email protected] 30 points 11 months ago

Changing the infrastructure and zoning of an existing city is much easier said than done.

Fun how we had zero fucking problem doing it to every city in the country for cars. ๐Ÿคท

[-] [email protected] 19 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

So he scabs as a total noob first time mod, AND his whole plan is rely on bots that won't work in a few days and require govt id to mail someone some chips?

Fucking lulz

Shoutout to the mod who just bailed immediately ๐Ÿ˜‚

[-] [email protected] 17 points 1 year ago

After offering my card to the person in front of me and being declined, I too would enjoy the show.

[-] [email protected] 16 points 1 year ago

Strong disagree, ESPECIALLY for this community. Once shareholders are involved I expect r/piracy to be on the chopping block anyway. It's easy to take a stand as a private entity but once they're public he'll get replaced faster than he's replacing mods to get subs open again if they think he's aiding and abetting criminal shiz.

[-] [email protected] 20 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

Lemmy.world has a little guide. I totally understand there being a learning curve, I'm IT so don't have much trouble but I get that people are flocking from "just works" land and most people have zero idea how any tech works.

My problem isn't people struggling to learn how this different system works, my problem is people who come HERE instead of one of the available more direct Reddit clones then refusing to learn how this system works, bitching that it isn't Reddit, and start harping that the devs need to make it Reddit. If you just want New Reddit, that option is available. A couple, in fact. Lemmy got some buzz though and people want to be cool kids, instead of picking the more suitable option for them. Shit's frustrating to me as a user, and I feel for the devs who have been working on this specific vision for this project then just wake up to 1,000 "MAKE IT REDDIT I WANT EVERYTHING ON ONE INSTANCE CAUSE I'M USED TO IT" posts.

Rant aside, I'm no Lemmy expert but if you have questions about how things work, I'll do my best to help.

[-] [email protected] 29 points 1 year ago

Alongside that more reasonable point of individual features, alot of people are mad that the service is instance based and are angry that that there isn't a single iteration of communities, IE only one /c/aww or /c/vets or whatever.

Basically they fled a central organizational authority and got mad there's no central organizational authority.

[-] [email protected] 29 points 1 year ago

I settled on lemmy.world, but yeah 90% of the lemmy related discussion I see is "Why doesn't this work like Reddit and when can I expect it to work like Reddit?"

I've tried to do my part in explaining this isn't meant to be Reddit, but I'm already seeing an increase in hostility directed at devs for the lack of central authority (which is the thing they're fleeing in the first place but fuck me for pointing that out lol.)

[-] [email protected] 15 points 1 year ago

I've been arguing for more decentralization for a long time now and have been shifting as much of my usage to self hosted services as possible over the past few years. I'm glad to see others picking up the cause. <3

[-] [email protected] 29 points 1 year ago

It doesn't help that they're lying through their teeth trying to throw somebody under the bus who thought ahead and brought the receipts to the party ๐Ÿ˜‚

[-] [email protected] 29 points 1 year ago

I was just perusing the big AMA with the CEO or whatever the spez guy is. They are not holding up well lmao.

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