[-] [email protected] 89 points 4 months ago

I just want to go back to a time when shows built in pause moments for commercial breaks. Watching a video get cut off mid sentence in the middle of an intense scene to be told about how I can send money worldwide just kinda kills the mood.

[-] [email protected] 94 points 4 months ago

Holmes told Channel 2 consumer investigator Justin Gray that he used his life savings to buy a DeKalb County home out of foreclosure eight months ago as a rental property.

Aaaaaaand there goes all my sympathy...

[-] [email protected] 101 points 5 months ago* (last edited 5 months ago)

That wasn't on purpose, that's literally all that was available on the 80s. When I picked my first set, there were only 3 options...those, the black framed nerd glasses with the white band in the middle at a time when Revenge Of The Nerds was a recent movie, or the giant rose colored plastic framed women's glasses. I didn't want to looked like a serial killer, but it was better than the alternatives.

[-] [email protected] 99 points 5 months ago

To be fair, Tamagotchi provided more value than NFTs ever could.

[-] [email protected] 86 points 8 months ago

Adult ADHD.

[-] [email protected] 126 points 8 months ago

To be fair, being trans is not the same as being a crossdresser.

[-] [email protected] 100 points 8 months ago

Better idea...reshoot the movie with all the same actors and the exact same script.

[-] [email protected] 96 points 8 months ago

Of course you did. You're not handing your device over to Best Buy, you're handing it over to Jimmy on the Geek Squad who is quiet and a bit weird. And he loves to snoop into other people's phones. Not for identity theft or reselling naughty pictures, but simply for the fun of snooping on other people.

Backup your device and wipe all of your data before handing a phone over to anyone else. It's just safer that way.

[-] [email protected] 99 points 8 months ago

To be fair, the employee was fired.

[-] [email protected] 96 points 9 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago)

I'm starting to see enshittification as part of the cycle of renewal in capitalism. Don't get me wrong...it's a completely foolish and disasterous way of doing things, and billionaires are a black mark on society as a whole, but innovation happens when you take away the established tools.

Twitter is a good example. Elon seriously accelerated the enshittification, and now it's tanking. Meanwhile, alternatives are springing up at breakneck speeds to replace it. Which one will win the war is anyone's guess, but Twitter will be the loser regardless. Reddit is another one. And Digg before it. As one commits corporate seppuku, others step in to take its place.

While it sucks for anyone caught in the crossfire, and the ones responsible for nuking a corporate landscape often skip away with a golden parachute, it usually leads to a shakeup that can bring amazing innovations. The key is to get in on the next wave, hope you picked the winner, and make sure you get out before shit hits the fans this time.

[-] [email protected] 91 points 11 months ago

Always remember...if someone tells you something is worthless, but they still want it, it ain't worthless...

[-] [email protected] 94 points 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago)

I think this is the saddest part, at least for him. Before Twitter, a lot of people thought he was relatively intelligent to be a part of a groundbreaking electric car company, a crazy tunnel digging company, and wild space vehicle company doing innovative things. Now since Twitter, we see an insanely rich narcissistic meglomaniac that was kept out of most Tesla big decisions as he just wanted the publicity for himself, the tunnel digging company was nothing more than a way to interfere with green projects, SpaceX did the same thing as Tesla and succeeded despite Musk's involvement, and a once respected medium of open communication worth a reported $44 billion dollars devolve into a cess pool of bigotry and arbitrary restrictions. Whatever good will he built for himself over the years that saw him even get a cameo in a Marvel movie next to Tony Stark, he's burned through most of it in the eyes of a lot of people.

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