You’ve refused to listen to what anyone has tried to explain to you and just keep regurgitating the same nonsense. It isn’t a discussion. You had your mind made before you made the post and choose to be deliberately ignorant. That is bad faith.
All that for $0 and a shitty toupee?
Looking through your other comments, it’s pretty clear you’re just arguing in bad faith.
I believe that there is no god BECAUSE there is no evidence to support one. I base my belief on the fact that there is zero evidence. When someone makes a claim, it is the responsibility of the claimant to give evidence.
And again, either you believe there is a god or you don’t believe there is a god. It is a yes or no question.
Kreeg know feel. Kreeg learn make tool very good. Kreeg spend 10 season making tool for tribe. Tribe die in fire (fire maker not very good). Kreeg move to new tribe. Try to get job making tool. Tribe say Kreeg overqualified. How too good bad thing? Make no sense.
If done well, it can add to the feel of the production quality. Otherwise, it’s just another camera. Maybe a bit jarring, but I don’t particularly care
“How dare I face consequences for harassment!”
They transed their gender
Because that’s not how it works. You either believe or you don’t. This isn’t quantum physics, you don’t exist in some superposition of belief. You seem to keep ignoring everyone reminding you that knowledge and belief are two entirely separate things.
Just because you say “I don’t know” doesn’t have any bearing on your belief or lack thereof. You either believe or you don’t, it’s that simple.
Additionally, don’t buy any products from Ubisoft, EA, Activision, or pretty much any other AAA developer/publisher