[-] [email protected] 54 points 10 months ago

It is very unlikely a single person is having a comfortable life in San Diego on $80k.

[-] [email protected] 89 points 10 months ago

Or stop using straws all together. Cups/lids can be made differently, so they are more like a sippy cup. You don’t NEED straws. Humans are totally capable of drinking directly from a cup, even without a special lid.

[-] [email protected] 75 points 11 months ago

Absolutely nothing. I don’t think even money could do it for me at this point. Aside from all the obvious reasons to hate commuting and then sitting for 8 hours doing maybe 2 hours of work, I have never been healthier.

I have chronic migraines. Well, I used to(?). I haven’t had a single bad migraine in years. Yeah, I’ve still had a couple in the last few years, but they didn’t put functioning at a complete standstill. I wasn’t stuck in bed, hoping for death. The lack of artificial light is a big deal. The not having to stress myself out by commuting, then being stuck there is also another

On top of that, I eat 1000% better, easier. I can exercise instead of commuting. There’s literally no benefit to working in an office for me, but it has a metric fuckton of drawbacks.

[-] [email protected] 60 points 11 months ago

Tesla is the most recalled vehicle brand. That’s impressive. Looking at you Kia/hyundai and Nissan.

Musk himself admits Tesla has build quality issues

Search “Tesla panel gap issues”. Tons of people complaining and many say that trying to fix the issue causes other, bigger gaps, or just gets worse. I’ve heard rumor that if you try to fix them, you’ll void some kind of Tesla support.

Oh, and one of the most damning ones in my book. During a car fire, which Tesla has had PLENTY of, some genius decided that the door locks should default to LOCKED. Who the actual fuck thought this was acceptable? How did they ever make it into production.

There’s a video floating around of a guy kicking his windows out to escape his burning Tesla.

Dumb dumb musk decided he was smarter than everyone else, (spoiler he’s not) and overrode his own engineers. He decided there were no physical sensors required for auto driving, only cameras. Every other manufacturer knows that not possible yet, but musk knew better

Yes, a lot of car fires are difficult to extinguish, and yes, electric/hybrids more so, but teslas are exceptional. Can’t out out the many teslas that catch fire When the local fire dept came by to inspect our business we got to chatting and they said that they had a Tesla catch fire. They used everything in their arsenal, and a LOT of water. Like more than you could imagine. Then it got towed to a holding yard. Someone parked it up against a building, and next to quite a few other vehicles waiting for legal things/inspections. Tesla reignited in the tow yard and took out everything near it too. The yard is in BIG trouble for damaging a whole lot of evidence/vehicles being held for court cases, etc.

I could go on, but those are the biggest ones.

[-] [email protected] 51 points 11 months ago

Yup. You can take nearly a modern “bad thing” and trace it back to Reagan policy.

[-] [email protected] 55 points 11 months ago

Skitters across the floor easily, is light enough to carry in their mouths, and throw around. Makes a funny noise on certain floors. It doesn’t have to look like something they would naturally hunt. Oddly, my cats don’t really like things that look like their prey. Their favorite toys are some plastic springs, ice cubes, and these feather teasers, but only once they have chewed all the feathers off and all that’s really left is the plastic body and a nub of feathers (they fly well, are easy to carry, and skitter across the floor well)

Short answer? Cats are weird little critters.

[-] [email protected] 59 points 11 months ago

One thing I’ve learned, and it’s totally not fair, is that in some relationships (frequently familial), you have to accept the relationship how it is. If that works for you, great, if it doesn’t, then move on, and deal with your own feelings about it.

What I mean by that is that you may never be able to have the relationship you want with your mother (I know I can’t). What you have to decide is if you can deal with it the way she wants it. Because it may never be different/better.

I guess one big question I’d have is is she likes that with everyone, or is she able to be social, and “normal” with other people? My mother is the former. She has no friends, no life, not hobbies, no nothing. Every time I talk to her it’s a negative fest about the world being out to get her. She learned it from her horrible, horrible mother (I no longer talk to my grandmother at all) I have mostly removed myself from the situation, only talking to my mother as necessary/out of guilt.

BUT I don’t let her get under my skin anymore. I may piss and moan to my husband or therapist about something she did or said, because I want to vent, but she’s going to do her, and in her 70s now, I’m not changing her. What I had to conditioner her to not do, by putting her in timeouts, is to be abusive to me.

TL;DR decide if you can deal with the relationship as is, because it may never change, then change your actions based on your decision.

[-] [email protected] 131 points 11 months ago

Which was recently proven true too. She was basically cancelled for being a good human and trying to call out some shitty things.

[-] [email protected] 60 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

It doesn’t look like they will. It looks like you have until September to use or lose. Also, it looks like if you bought premium, you’re just losing that “feature” with no replacement value for your money

It also looks like they are going to implement some kind of “contriburor” payment scheme.

[-] [email protected] 47 points 1 year ago

I already know the answer, but how does this not completely disqualify him from being a cop?

[-] [email protected] 51 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

According to alibaba it’s a “Professional DIY portable wireless battery powered smart abs ems electric body abdomen muscle stimulator”

[-] [email protected] 67 points 1 year ago

It did a lot of things already. Their valuation was halved (maybe not that bad, but it’s wasn’t good) after it was already not that great.

It made the “important” people take a step back and question whether they should spend their advertising dollars on Reddit. At least a handful of the bigger advertising companies paused their ads on Reddit.

It put a bug in investors ears. The last thing you want, from a newly acquired asset, is shit tons of bad press and drama, along with a public devaluation.

Google publicly commenting on Reddit protests screwing up search results got into the minds of people that may have never even paid attention.

During the blackouts user time spent on Reddit decreased, and overall traffic decreased slightly. The first matters more. If less people are engaging with the site, for less time each use, that’s less ads they will see. I haven’t seen too many stats about usage a month later.

The user side is what will take time to see what happens. As content quality goes down, some people will be less interested. Then again, look at the rest of social media. Most people don’t really seem to care much about actual content, so maybe I’m wrong on that one.

submitted 1 year ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]
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submitted 1 year ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

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