Really loved this game. I am glad I stuck with it in the beginning.
I like this font
Do you wait for a pedo to rape a child before doing something? NO! Someone is clearly fascist/pedo/nazi/racist/sexist/bigot they need to gtfo.
I love Japan's bike roads. Anyway yeah we can do so much better. End corporate power.
I mean yes? Fresh meat!
Rabbit is my favorite after lamb.
AI sure makes vegeta very veiny ahahaha!
With the help if AI I will create the videogames I want without having to be Bethesda or some othe corporate grant. That's what's amazing.
AI takes production out of the hands of corporations like Disney and into the hands of the people. You need a shit ton of money to hire hundreds of artists.
For me it means I can do something myself instead of needing help which I won't get because I am not going to pay someone to do it. So instead of making my own web series I've passed up on the idea. Now I can because the mental and creative blocks I had have been resolved by talking to an AI that will help me develop the look of my character.
It's an invaluable tool for artists. It gets my vision out.
The real gamelan takes off later on. I almost quit too but I wanted at least try the mech... then some really fun mechanics kicked in later.