In my dreams but it actually works.
Teeth pain?
Or by browsing from your data plan, or refreshing your ip address. Unless you pull a static ip for which you pay for a dynamic one is going to change. Just power cycle the modem and it'll likely change. Sometimes it takes a few tries or leave it disconnected for a bit.
Many people don't wish to be doxxed online. Nobody needs to share something private.
So it's easier to say thoim/shlu instead of ekky?
There are societies where not using one's name is rude. In general it's safe to just call one by name instead of dehumanize them with labels.
It's terrorism when you attack civilians. It's liberation when you attack the military. I mean they must not give a shit about getting any kind of support because it looks really bad when you murder and kidnap people from a music festival especially when many of them were foreigners. That passes everyone off. And the Palestinians are gonna get murdered for it. I'm sure the ireaeli government is just giddy to have a huge excuse for their current invasion... the Gaza strip really needs to become a neutral zone at this point lol...
Why torture yourself. It's not gonna be better after snooze.
Lol I have only one thing of loose tea and it's been sitting in my cupboard for years. I have boxes and boxes of a variety of tea bags... tea isn't expensive.
Italian here, sardegna. Sausage, porchetto, chicken, lamb (lots of it), small baby birds, brains, all kinds of fish especially sword fish, octopus and Squid, lots of cured meats... the list goes on. Every meal has a meat and we live the longest in italy.
My mom would make lentil stew with sausage and I always ate the sausage and left the lentils. Was also forced to stay at the table until bed time because I refused to eat them. I need meat with my legumes that is if I am not working because I have a severe carb intolerance so anything from oats, to brown rice to beans and tubers trigger my IBS and make me confused. The only fix was 3 months of straight keto where I felt amazing, was exercising and looked great but... my boyfriend learned how to make pizza thw right way and nothing will ever replace the dough on pizza so once a week I have that, fast the rest and when I eat it's steak or chicken or shrimp or fish with spinach or something. I need to work so I can't just have a bean burrito or a bowl of rice or ill end up fired for spending too much time in the toilet or getting someone killed because I can't think.
Must be nice to have that kind of privilege to eat what you want though!
Jasmine tea. English breakfast. Earl and lady grey. They're a must have.