[-] [email protected] 24 points 4 weeks ago

Hättest Du Stress am Arbeitsplatz hättest Du keine Zeit für einen Workshop. Früher, da hatten wir noch richtigen Stress. Und heute? Was wird verlangt? Zwei Seiten auf einmal umzublättern? 😉

[-] [email protected] 18 points 1 month ago

But does it have electrolytes?

[-] [email protected] 15 points 1 month ago

Ich habe den Eindruck der Typ weiß nicht was generative KI bedeutet. Dampfplauderer im Bullshitbingo. "Data Analytics..wird von intelligenten Agenten benutzt" "Generative KI..gibt Zugriff auf Daten"

Das ganze Interview ist einfach Werbung a la "wir sind die geilsten" und "gebt uns alle Eure Daten". Der Interviewer fragt ja auch nicht nach was der Quatsch bedeuten soll.

Nix davon ist "intelligent". Es geht immer darum die statistisch häufigsten Merkmale oder wahrscheinlichsten Fortsetzungen zu finden.

An anderer Stelle im Interview behauptet er auf Kundendaten würde nicht trainiert, da diese durch " eine strenge Firewall" geschützt seien. Das ergibt ebensowenig Sinn. Daten sind kein Service (den man durch eine Firewall schützt).

Er benutzt anscheinend Wörter die er im Kontext gehört hat, deren tatsächliche Bedeutung er aber nicht kennt.

[-] [email protected] 21 points 8 months ago

In short: it's always like this, sometimes more, sometimes less. And guess what: it's the main part of the job. As a developer you have to understand what the customer (your boss) needs (sometimes not what they say they want) and to figure out how to do that by yourself. It's nice to have colleagues you can ask, but it's like on stackoverflow. The accepted answer is not necessarily the right or good one. Often you have to work with bad documented legacy artifacts (code, api) and figure out what they do. Also the tech changes, you have to constantly keep up with changes and what was great years ago may now be outdated. My advice:

  • Do not start coding until you are sure you understood what is to be done.
  • if there is no user story to describe the task write it yourself
  • write good tests for your code. It's an art. While thinking about corner cases you often find questions you did not think about at first
  • if you don't know how to do it ask people around you, browse the web, read books. Develop the skills to figure stuff out. Most of the time noone knows the correct answer. It's your job to find it.
  • do code reviews with others, usually both benefit from it
  • write clean code

If you don't like your working environment then change it. Especially when you think you can't learn anything new there or it is no fun to work there. Go to meetings in your area (meetup or so) or online to meet other developers and ask them about their job. You get a feeling about what is considered a good job in your area. Good developers will always find a good job. Be one of them. As long as you think you're a god who can code anything, that's probably not the case. ;-) The best you can achieve is to be an expert in a very narrow field and to be good in some others.

[-] [email protected] 17 points 8 months ago* (last edited 8 months ago)

Which actually is better than Excel. Currently I have to work with Excel. Gosh, how bad it got. Especially CSV import and cell formating. They really worked on being incompatible to even basic data formats just to keep you in their eco system. Try to import a UTF-8 CSV where the delimiter and the number format differs from the system settings. It completely fucks up your data and you have to import it as text and then you have to format each colum separately. Because changing the format from text to number does NOT change the view. You have to update each column manually. FU MS. There are comedy videos about number formatting in Excel: https://youtu.be/yb2zkxHDfUE?si=CtYMI-5FsU2bPZUF

[-] [email protected] 25 points 8 months ago

I found Waldo.

[-] [email protected] 16 points 9 months ago
[-] [email protected] 15 points 9 months ago

Ja. Weil das ja nicht Dein einziger Kommentar in die Richtung ist, gell? Und weil Du rechte Hetze, die am Punkt vorbei geht (von der CDU kaputtgespartes Gesundheitssystem vs. Asylbewerber) versuchst mit anekdotischen Geschichten zu legitimieren - welche zudem noch unglaubwürdig sind.

[-] [email protected] 17 points 11 months ago

This inspired me to show my rubber duck: https://feddit.de/post/2384302

[-] [email protected] 21 points 11 months ago

And no field to submit my API for answers? I need a phone and a pdf?

[-] [email protected] 21 points 1 year ago

Ich frag mich: Was genau "Eilt" bei dieser Meldung?

[-] [email protected] 17 points 1 year ago

Englisch ist die sprecherreichste germanische Sprache mit rund 330 Millionen Muttersprachlern und mindestens 500 Millionen Zweitsprechern. https://de.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Germanische_Sprachen

Und als Hausaufgabe schreibst Du den Text auf dem Schild mal in korrektem Deutsch. Du Dödel.

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