
joined 7 months ago

It's about 22 minutes...


2:41 is the most insane shit this band has ever laid down, and they have laid down a lot of insane shit.


Neil Peart might've been a Randian nerd, especially during this era of Rush, but Geddy screaming


makes up for it by a lot.


Since it's now pride month and I love metal, I might as well post some Cynic!

Great band, but the passing of both Seans in the band is still very depressing for me.

May they rest in peace.


๐Ÿณ๏ธโ€๐ŸŒˆ Happy pride month, lovelies! ๐Ÿณ๏ธโ€โšง๏ธ

As a queer metalhead, this is my song. I've gone through so many aspects of LGBTQ+ struggle, such as being stuck in the closet, facing bigotry from others both in and outside of the community, struggling to accept myself, going through harsh internalized bigotry, feeling out of place with society, and every other kind of bullshit that us queer people sadly often face on a daily basis, so I see myself as a rainbow in the dark!

As of late, I've been going a lot more into the light, though, which is good, even if I can't say that I see all of the sunshine there is to see right now. At the very least, a little bit of it is creeping into my dark corner, and that's significantly better than when all I could see was nothing, due to the total darkness.


On one hand, I have people, both misunderstood cis and binary trans people, who ask me "Why can't you just be a cis man?". On the other hand, I have people, both misunderstood cis and binary trans people, who ask me "Why can't you just be a trans woman?".

Geez, if I have to dictate my identity on the basis of what these strangers want me to identify as, then I'm very confused as to what the right answer is! Some want me to force me in the box of being a man, and some want to force me in the box of being a woman! Surely, this is too much of a contradiction for binarists to find a fair compromise. Hmm, oh wait!


I have a great compromise! Since people are interpreting my relationship with the gender binary as ambiguous and hard to condense down into simply one of the two boxes overall, I'll just reject the two boxes! Problem solved!

But the problem wasn't solved.... not in the eyes of binarists

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