
joined 10 months ago
[–] [email protected] 1 points 10 months ago

The clubs owners failed to recognise that SAF took 3 years to win anything when he first arrived at Man U and another 3 years after that before they won the league and started winning thing regularly.

I know modern football demands instant success but if you want a manager who is going to build a long term legacy you have to be prepared to back them through thick and thin long term. Changing managers every 2-3 years will only ever bring fleeting success. SAF turned Man U into the dominant force in English Football because he was there long enough to bring through squad of home grown players who had grown up learning to play his style of football. Most of the home grown players in Man Us first team today have had their football development re-directed about 5 times before they made their first team debut.

Couple this with a lack of investment in training facilities and they really have no hope to ever compete consistently. At best they might have the occasional good season where they spend enough to win something once every 5 years or so.