I wish I had more upvotes to give.
Honestly, this is just wonderful! Thanks for the share.
I’m ok with that for how I use Debian, and is its kind of intended purpose. Outdated but stable is fine for a server being that the latter is my main concern. I wouldn’t use it for my daily driver (tried that and wound up back in Windows). IMHO, Debian has no GUI.
haven’t seen than one. thanks, adding it to the collection :).
Yep! Something’s obviously wrong with me :)
Still my favorite
Hate to say it, but it’s because it’s fun. I haven’t played in ages but despite it not being my kind of game (I’m usually a fallout kind of guy), I really loved playing through it. I enjoyed it enough that when the next one comes out, I’ll likely finally buy a current gen console.
Vanilla ISIS, gonna have to use that one :)
I’ve noticed the same thing but fortunately I still am crazy for peanuts. An interesting observation though and now you have me fearing getting sick of them.
turnip is always looking for his next scapegoat. How anyone ever agrees to do business with him is beyond me, the pattern is well established, you won’t walk away unscathed..
Yeah, I was looking at them earlier, before I saw this.. would be great to not need the graphics expansion, doubt I could have stopped myself from clicking “buy” if it had been an option :).
I think you are right, been suspecting it for a while. Only reason he wouldn't is because he doesn't want to be outshined.