I'd bet most residential construction workers are immigrants.
I've never heard of or had a HVAC "tune-up." If it's a standard air-to-air heat pump, you likely do not need one. You just need to change or clean the filters regularly, and maybe clean the coils once a year at most. I'm guessing that's what the mean by "tune-up?" Modern cars do not need "tune-ups" either.
TBF, compression is related to ML. Hence, the Hutter Prize. Thinking of LLMs as lossy compression algorithms is a decent analogy.
I had pretty good luck with cool season crops (radish, turnips, beets, mustard greens, etc) starting last late-fall, through winter, and into spring (kale, arugula, leaf lettuce, and cilantro did well in late-winter into spring). Only really needed to water enough to get seeds to sprout. But yeah, right now the only things I have doing well are tomatoes. I have some squash, pole beans, and cowpeas growing, but dunno if it'll soon get too hot and dry for them to produce anything.
IDK. Nuclear looks like it kinda sucks.
There's this map: https://liveuamap.com/
I haven't been following the war very closely, but AFAIK, they've been in a stalemate for many months with neither side making any significant gains.
In the U.S., at least, the burgers have always been "all beef." They taste different than other burgers because their beef comes from old, lean dairy cows that are no longer "useful," then they add fat to make up for the leanness.
Mcdonald's has been raising prices over the last few years mostly just because they can (and for shareholders, of course). They recently stated they've noticed "consumer resistance," so they'll probably slow down price increases now.
I listened to a guy on a podcast saying that Clarence Thomas was in the Black Power movement when he was young, and that kinda informs his decisions now. Thomas is very pessimistic about black Americans ever gaining equal power in American politics, and thinks black people should focus on things they can control instead (family, business, etc). I guess it's kinda like an ethnic/right-wing version of "dual-power." Also, like a lot of leftists I see on here that seem to have given up on electoral politics.
U.S. Libertarians are typically non-authoratarian right-wingers; unless the authority is business.
U.S. libertarians can be fairly radical (not conservative) in opposing pretty much everything the state does outside of operating a legal framework conducive to business. They support near zero business regulations, and as few laws as possible. A U.S. libertarian would typically be against stuff like bathroom laws, public schools, and the EPA. They typically revere Ayn Rand, and often debate age of consent laws.
Also, there is now a Mises caucus within the Libertarian party that is fascist (not conservative). They are the ones who invited Trump. TBF, the Republican party is fascist and not conservative anymore either.
I don't think anyone I worked with in 2019 has the same job (they were either promoted or switched jobs). For the people working those jobs now, I'm guessing the businesses needed to raise wages to attract new talent, probably more than the ~30% inflation. In regards to family I know that work service or manufacturing jobs, they either switched jobs for higher pay, got promoted, or their union negotiated decent pay increases. Again, I'm guessing most businesses needed to raise their wages to attract workers to replace those that switched jobs; and from the "help wanted" signs I see, it looks like they raised wages more than inflation.
We're close to peak using current NN architectures and methods. All this started with the discovery of transformer architecture in 2017. Advances in architecture and methods have been fairly small and incremental since then. The advancements in performance has mostly just been throwing more data and compute at the models, and diminishing returns have been observed. GPT-3 costed something like $15 million to train. GPT-4 is a little better and costed something like $100 million to train. If the next model costs $1 billion to train, it will likely be a little better.
Wouldn't this just cause people to become undocumented immigrants instead of reporting to a port of entry?