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[–] 31337 0 points 7 months ago (1 children)

Maybe, I'm no expert. But, I've seen a test showing a consumer water filter increasing microplastics by 1000%. Could just be only that specific filter or filter type. I believe it was a Zero filter, which I think uses resin beads for ion exchange.

[–] 31337 0 points 7 months ago (3 children)

Filters are usually made out of plastic :)

[–] 31337 3 points 7 months ago (1 children)

I don't quite understand. Aren't saunas hot, and would increase temperature differences?

[–] 31337 2 points 7 months ago (3 children)

Do you get regular cholesterol tests? I imagine if done in a certain way, with lean meat (high protein, low carb, low-ish fat diet), it could work OK. Vegan can also be healthy, if done properly. I've been vegan for about 5 years (switched because my cholesterol was a biy high), and have only noticed positive effects.

[–] 31337 6 points 7 months ago

This is likely just stock manipulation. Interview was in June, and just now released the day before TSMCs earnings report.

[–] 31337 9 points 7 months ago

e/acc. The dumb MFs believe burning fossil fuels as fast as possible will lead to technological advancements to mitigate the problems. It's all wishful thinking and convienant blind faith.

[–] 31337 2 points 7 months ago

Yeah, without strong global cooperation (good luck on that), I would think reducing demand of fossil fuels (or, I guess we're only reducing growth of demand right now), will just make fossil fuels cheaper, and some countries won't hesitate to take advantage of that. I think "The Green Paradox" talks about this.

[–] 31337 1 points 7 months ago

Oh shit. Mixed it up with Argentina.

[–] 31337 19 points 7 months ago* (last edited 7 months ago) (4 children)

Argentina has somewhat of a history of workers seizing their factories. I think it would be extremely hard in the U.S. due to the well-funded police. Generally, I guess the movement would be "anarcho-syndicalism."

Edit: misremembered worker factory takeovers in the past as occurring in Venezuela instead of Argentina.

[–] 31337 8 points 7 months ago

Meh. people who have committed murder can be and are rehabilitated (sometimes) and released back into society as "productive" members (I've known a few). But yeah, lethal force is acceptable to stop an active shooter.

[–] 31337 3 points 7 months ago

Yeah, Bermuda grass is the devil, is extremely hard to get rid of, and will out-compete clover and most other ground-covers. You're probably always going to have problems with it creeping in no matter what you do. It won't out-compete shade-loving plants in shade though, and can't out-compete taller plants.

If you don't mind chemicals, I've used a grass-selective herbicide (fluazifop or clethodim can't remember which) to kill Bermuda grass in a rock bed and it worked ok (took many applications).

I've also suppressed it by sheet mulching with multiple layers of cardboard and 4"+ of woodchips on top. Still required some weeding after a while.

I've never tried it, but I've seen people kill grass by covering it with a dark landscape fabric. However, I think this would take many months to kill Bermuda grass.

Also, I'm not sure clover thrives where Bermuda grass does. Where I live, clover dies in the summer (too hot), and doesn't like full sun in spring and fall.

Personally, I'm slowly replacing parts of my lawn by adding and expanding beds (sheet-mulch + woodchips), and planting fruit-trees and perennials in them. This seems more manageable to me than trying to do my entire lawn at once (I have a fairly large lot). I walk around the beds about once a week and pull any weeds I see, and pull weeds in beds I routinely walk by whenever I see them.

[–] 31337 2 points 7 months ago

Same. I think I've read that a single GPT-4 instance runs on a 128 GPU cluster, and ChatGPT can still take something like 30s to finish a long response. A H100 GPU has a TDP of 700w. Hard to believe that uses only 10x more energy than a search that takes milliseconds.

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