The 1035g1 is 2 generations newer for the same product teir. It's a 10th-gen i5 vs an 8th-gen one in your comparison.
You can view a comparison of specs for both here.
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The 1035g1 is 2 generations newer for the same product teir. It's a 10th-gen i5 vs an 8th-gen one in your comparison.
You can view a comparison of specs for both here.
Honestly, I can't believe I didn't think to look on the actual website. Thanks for waking me up with that common sense lol.
Honestly unless you can't find 11th gen or newer then get 10th gen but to answer the question the i5-1035G1 is better.
It seems simple; I probably got tired and started misreading people's benchmarks. As far as 11th gen goes, I'm all set. Thanks for the response.
It's worth trying to jump to 11th gen due to the architecture upgrade and better igpu if you plan on using that.