I think the fact that FIFA have decided to host a World cup there is about a million times worse than this non story.
Football / Soccer / Calcio / Futebol / Fußball
Maybe he should go play in Palestine instead and then reddit will love him.
It's funny how he's getting the most hate just because he supported LGBTQ rights at one point, whereas other players who never supported them aren't getting any hate.
I understand the hypocrisy narrative, but it's just strange how that works.
Ffs, how does him playing in whatever country affect yourself as being LGBT? Him being an ally or not shouldn’t affect your life. It’s not like Henderson’s gonna come hunting for people.
Him speaking out as a LGBTQ ally or whatever has probably done more for the 'movement' than him playing in Saudi has done damage to it, i really dont get why people are upset over this.
So what, get over it
So glad we’re still talking about this
And? He’s allowed to make his own decisions. Honestly these gays are such snowflakes
Pretend like you people give a dog crap about lgbt.
Why is making the best financial decision for himself be seen as bad? He went for the 💰
Can't blame him.
I hate this conversation. Ya he goes against his morals but when a sum of money is thrown at you and it’s a ridiculous amount, unfortunately it’s too good of an opportunity to pass up. The same people upset and angry with him would take half the money offered
How much of the petrol in your car comes from Saudi? How much of the rubber and plastic you use comes from Saudi oil. Why not stop using all of these products and THEN criticize others. I’m sure coming out as gay was very difficult. If so, keep your mouth shut on others. You’re just a part of their problems. What a bunch of hypocrites.
they still cooking this headlines? it's getting boring ngl.
I don't get the logic here. So anyone against wars, massacres and imperialism should not be playing in the US or Europe?
Since the US and Europe participated in invasions of Afghanistan and Iraq, since they openly support the war crimes commited in Gazza, does that mean every professional, earning money in these countries cannot be against wars or war crimes?
Or anyone earning money in Russia, should be blamed for Russia's invasion of Ukraine?
Do westerns have anything better to do than bitch about LGBTQ related shit.
Mon works for money - crazy
You would've thought that Jordan was the pinnacle of LGBT in the uk the way people keep going on about it.
most people didnt even realise he did anything for lGBT before this move yet the coverage of this has been non stop