It blows my mind that conservatives aren't 100% behind taking in and caring for these refugees. Many are from failed socialist states and you would think conservatives would love the chance to prove that the US can pick up where those countries failed. What better way to prove that a capitalist democracy is better?
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This is because of zero-sum thinking, which seems as if it is rather foundational to conservative thinking. The thinking goes like this: if negroes or gays or transes are afforded any rights, then my rights and privileges are thereby diminished. Nobody wants that. So if homeless or immigrants or poors in general receive anything, it is seen as a kind of theft.
This is why shipping refugees to Martha's vineyard seems like such a coup. The underlying conviction is that of course those damn yankee liberals don't want to share what they have with Venezuelan asylum seekers any more than anyone else. Putting them in a position to have to do so will reveal the assumed hypocrisy.
This is also why communism is seen as so abhorrent. it denies the assumption that hierarchy, with rank and privilege and some having more than others is the natural order of the universe. Everyone getting an equal share of something - say pie, or even rights, for example- upsets the natural order. Because there is only ever a finite amount, everyone would get very little. The conservative much prefers the system wherein they get more and others get less.
Take in refugees and care for them? "Why should I?" Asks the conservative. "When others suffer from hunger and deprivation while I am fat and comfortable, all is as it should be. That is proof enough that our system is the better one."
Why would I want them just to prove an already proven point?
It's not proven to the left.
I was already aware that leftists dont base their views on reality
Who lost the 2020 presidential election again?
Whoever wrote that piece sure does hate commies. There's lots of opinion given there, but no solutions or alternatives offered to deal with a bunch of poor huddling refugees.
I wonder what is the White Christian anti-communist solution to having a bunch of refugees? I suppose one tries to avoid getting into that position in the first place. But what if despite your best efforts, there's a bunch of humans with annoying human rights on your doorstep? What then? Mass grave? Maybe displace or murder some Indians and stick your refugees there? It is a traditional American activity. Maybe lock em up, and ship em back to the shitty situation they were desperately trying to escape at tax payer expence, using private govt contractors that charge three times the going market price because they can. None of these options could be considered lefty or woke so they would probably all be acceptable.
To be honest, I don't really have any good solutions either. US border services have apprehended record numbers of ppl trying to get in, so it not like everyone is being welcomed in with open arms despite what fox news says. So "close the border" is not helpful. Anyway, why look for solutions when you can spend your time delighting in how much you hate those goddamn Marxists.
The “winterized base camps” were officially suggested by Mayor Brandon Johnson as a way to get thousands of migrants out of police stations and provide them shelter as colder temperatures arrive.
About 3,100 migrants are sleeping in police station lobbies and at O’Hare Airport, according to the Office of Emergency Management and Communications. There are more than 11,900 people living in city-run shelters as of Tuesday — up from 6,600 on Aug. 31.
So freeing up police resources is a bad thing now?
CITY HALL — The city’s move to turn a South Side vacant lot into a migrant tent camp was approved by the City Council Tuesday.
Alderpeople united behind a plan to buy a 6.5-acre site at 115th and Halsted streets for $1 from New Albertsons LLC to convert the land into a migrant encampment capable of holding as many as 1,500 people in winterized tents.
It's not even using up land that was useful. It's an abandoned strip mall, bought for cheap.