Honestly reinstall windows that’s usually fixes the prob me most of the time backup your stuff doesn’t hurt it try
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CPU Cooling problems: Just like 95C is normal for Ryzen, 100C is normal for Intel CPUs in many workloads. If you're worried about CPU temperatures, please look at reviews for the laptop or CPU cooler you're using.
Installe Windows sur un Ssd, si t'as pas de nvme un sata fait l'affaire. Vérifie que la mémoire tourne sur le profil XMP qui correspond à la vitesse indiquée sur la boîte. Laisse 30-40% de place libre sur le disque C: (le ssd sur lequel t'aura installé Windows).
Envoie moi un mo si t'as toujours des problèmes après ça
OP you've been told 100 times to just get an SSD. You can get 512 GB ones for 30€ or partition your current one.
Or 50€ for 1000gb 90€ for 2000gb in Europe. Atleast finland
Your issue is your HDD. it's 2023, get an SSD even if it's small and install windows on it. You can store your files on your HHD if SSD size is an issue but having windows on an SSD would be a huge upgrade and probably the fix you're looking for.
“Really good hardware”. I’d start there.
Pretty crazy how snub some act because they learned something before someone else lol
True. Anyways I'm still grateful because others helped and I would have never figured out the issue was using HDD instead of SSD
even the best of the best sometimes leave the cpu cooler sticker on the cooler check that
If you're having frequent crashes, unless the HDD is failing it is not the problem.
I think you should consider updating the BIOS to the latest version, set your RAM speeds to default like 4800 or so, and make sure all overclocking or "ai overclocking" options are all turned off or set to intel recommended instead of auto/asus recommended/overclocked and so on.
I noticed that a lot of asus's auto or overclock options can be unstable and require careful tweaking one option at a time to determine if it's truly stable.
Maybe reinstall windows.
Why would any system builder put windows on an HDD in 2023? Why even have the option? Theyre adding to their own support queue because folks like OP will be confused why their new system is slow. Unless of course they could care less…
Again, don't be rude just because I don't know everything about computer hardware. I would have never found out the problem was HDD just by looking on the internet.
970/980/990 are all good options. The Samsung Magician software will help you clone and migrate to it with ease.
Not just ssd, make sure you get at least a 3rd gen (prefferably 4th gen) nvme drive.
12th gen is already outdated