Oh and good luck with max 4gb ram π€£
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Windows ME? Single threaded OS. That one core is probably only giving you a pathetic 36kfps in games. Need to upgrade to an i9 at least. /s
Also nice work. I dont know why you want to do this but nice work.
This is awesome! I too had a great experience with WinMe.
What kind of framerates do you get in Space Cadet Pinball?
Thatβs like a super computer for 2000 lol
Oh my that is literally the buggiest windows there is, was such a nice upgrade when we got windows XP!
Is this virtualized?!
If not - how did you get it to recognize all the different parts, including ones that don't actually exist in it? (Pretty sure you don't actually have an AMD Radeon X300 installed physically in the case.... or do you?!)
Needs more BonziBuddy.
If you give me one... I'll do my best to install Windows Me on it :)) There will be 1 core working and the other 95 cores will just watching and supporting ... :)
Guide on Win ME 98 95 XHCI AND NVME ?!?!?!?!