Looking to keep the same mobo. Honest recommendation here, buy a 10850k. 10 cores and it beats/ties the 11900k in most things.
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CPU Cooling problems: Just like 95C is normal for Ryzen, 100C is normal for Intel CPUs in many workloads. If you're worried about CPU temperatures, please look at reviews for the laptop or CPU cooler you're using.
Just go buy a microcenter combo
I was under the impression that the socket of a 10th gen is different than the 12, 13 & 14 gen so he could only upgrade to an 11 gen. Is that correct?
10900k or 11900k would both be decent upgrades and would help with gpu utilization. I'd go with whichever of the 2 is the cheapest.
as per the previous posts, the 11900K has a poor reputation (was that the infamous GN 'waste of good sand'?), i've been using an 11600K for 3 years, happily running up to 4.8Ghz non-OC'd, supporting VR for gaming and flight simming. I can certainly recommend the 11600K
If you want to upgrade I would suggest the i7-11700K as opposed to the i9-11900K. They are virtually the same chip but the i7 should be significantly cheaper.
How old is your computer?
3 years when I got it was an Alienware r11 but 2 years later I got a new motherboard and new case and switch everything to a real pc
In that case get a 10900k. 15th gen is gonna come out at some point in the near future then you can upgrade to that which means a whole new motherboard but your PC will be a lot stronger than your current build. 15900k is supposedly gonna have 40 cores.