Is there no way to wishlist this? I really want to snag one as soon as they're available.
Outer Wilds
Outer Wilds is an exploration game about curiosity, roasting marshmallows, and unravelling the mysteries of the cosmos.
Explore an alien world of campfire tunes and celestial wonders that evolve over time. Investigate tales of quantum phenomena and launch probes into the depths of space. The answers are there for those who seek them.
Fasten your hiking boots, check your oxygen and fuel levels, and venture into the unknown.
Rule 1: All spoilers must be spoiler marked, do not post spoilers in titles.
I didn't look very hard but was also surprised by no clear and easy way to be notified. There's a heart next to the coming soon button but it doesn't respond to me tapping it, and there's a preorder page but Outer Wilds isn't listed.
I hate subscribing to general marketing emails but I found on their Twitter it's happening on Thursday at 9am Pacific