I appreciate you, Jason. Your passionate post made me read the article you linked and learn more about what Jama said. (I limit my news exposure for personal mental health and that applies many times more for the current Israel-Palestine issue.) So, what I learned in the Vice article is that saying Israel is an apartheid state gets one kicked out (effectively) of Canadian politics. Holy @#$%. I mean, Israel-Palestine has been one of the most noticeable examples of apartheid - per its definition - for decades. If that's all Jama said to get the censorship she's received (I'm not certain of that), I'm shocked; how utterly dystopian. All that said, I don't see the Ontario NDP as the bad guy here. I think they're just trying to keep their party viable while the West responds to this humanitarian crisis in the way that they have so far
New Democratic Party
For those that seek a future that brings together the best of the insights and objectives of people who, within the social democratic and democratic socialist traditions, have worked through farmer, labour, co-operative, feminist, human rights and environmental movements, and with First Nations, Métis and Inuit peoples, to build a more just, equal, and sustainable Canada within a global community dedicated to the same goals.
@streetfestival Exactly what I discussed with my partner. They're protecting themselves from any possible backlash, I mean elections are coming and most probably many of us in their position might do the same although we say otherwise. To be it's not about the NPD itself but the Canadian government and elected MPs in general.
The anti-Palestinian collusion on display the last month runs very, very deep. It probably plays into the mythology of (just) colonialism that countries like Canada were founded on, that US foreign/immigration policy is predicated on, etc. The only positive I can take away from all of this is that this incident has sensitized me (a white-Canadian in their 30s) to the enormous consequences and injustice of ethnocultural privilege and marginalization more than any other world event that I've lived through has