It was likely a Starlink train of satellites.
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The description sounds just like these look. So I'm leaning towards that too. Recently my wife and I were staying in Yellowstone and ended up at one of their tippy top of the mountain places. It's super remote, no cell signal or anything. But, lo' and behold, WiFi shows they had a network with "starlink" in the name. I thought that was really cool as I'd never actually seen a starlink connected network yet. So, mentioned that to her and she had never actually heard of them. I'm a professional nerd, she's super techy as well, and if she hadn't even heard of it I'm not surprised we see people who spot the trains of satellites in the sky and get spooked. It's so weird looking to have a bunch of lights all in a line just traversing across the sky.
Anyway, nobody I know would have cared that I was surprised she hadn't heard about them, so given the relevance, you all get to know now.
That was my first thought too. I've seen them a few times, and it looks very similar to what op described.
Asteroids burning in atmosphere?
Potent gummies?
Having seen starlink satellites before, I'm pretty sure that's what you saw.
How many lights and what do you mean you could see the outline? Outline of the lights or something else?