Keep voting republican, keep voting for fossil fuels to create more migrants.
Texas is only making matters worse.
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Keep voting republican, keep voting for fossil fuels to create more migrants.
Texas is only making matters worse.
I'm pretty sure that it's not climate change that most illegals care about.
The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) projects that more than one billion people globally could be exposed to coastal-specific climate hazards by 2050, potentially driving tens to hundreds of millions of people to leave their home in coming decades (IOM, 2022; IPCC, 2022),
Slow-onset processes such as droughts or sea level rise also increasingly affect people’s mobility worldwide. In this regard, the World Bank’s Groundswell report projects that climate change could lead up to 216 million people across six world regions (Sub-Saharan Africa, South Asia, Latin America, East Asia and the Pacific, North Africa, Eastern Europe and Central Asia) to move within their countries by 2050 if no urgent action to reduce global greenhouse gas emissions is taken (Clement et al. 2021).
Among the total of 60.9 million new internal displacements registered in 2022, 53% were triggered by disasters (IDMC, 2023). As of 31 December 2022, at least 8.7 million people in 88 countries and territories were living in internal displacement as a result of disasters that happened not only in 2022, but also in previous years (ibid.). This is a 45 per cent increase in the total number of internally displaced persons (IDPs) due to disasters compared to 2021 (IDMC, 2023).
Currently it's not the most pressing issue for migrants. But it's already contributing, and it's only going to get worse the more republicans get voted in.
Don't like migrants? Don't vote republican.
The downvoters are funny.
The Biden administration is failing in it's duty to enforce immigration laws, and some people are defending the administrations illegal behavior, claiming Texas is violating the law.
Those people simply don't believe in the rule of law unless they can use it to get their way.
Nevermind the 60,000+ children that have been trafficked because of the Biden administration not defending the border.
Nevermind the 60,000+ children that have been trafficked because of the Biden administration not defending the border.
You're gonna freak when you hear how many children overstayed their visas under Trump.
Goddamn it's funny when conservatives pretend to care about immigration but also don't want to pay people a living wage.
lol nice