Football / Soccer / Calcio / Futebol / Fußball
Wow.. shocking ..
With Jordan Henderson as the ambassador.
I really hope the ECA rejects another winter World Cup after the issues that are happening now. They won't, but I still hope they will
Fuck FIFA.
Reddit wants SA to modernise but hates this… I don’t get it
They’ve somehow become worse since Blatter was removed. Totally unfit for purpose. There’s too much money at stake and not enough governance to prevent corruption like this.
Wish these cunts would be arrested and jailed for their entire lifetimes.
Not only did they persist with the Qatar sham after being caught red handed, they've gone and done it again, they are shameless. The civilised countries should've pulled out of this corrupt Swiss organisation and formed our own governing body when we had the chance.
They should arrest FIFA execs when they enter the US. There has to have been some sort of illegal bribery going on using the banking system.
They wouldn’t, but what if the nations just like didn’t go? Do their own World Cup without the saudis on a beach or some shit there has to be a better alternative.
Why do we care about 10 years in the future? 10 years ago the world was a different place.
I wish there could be a genuine, honest effort to boycott all this. If we could all just not buy tickets. Leave those stadium's empty. If they're gonna have a World Cup, they can have a legacy of empty hotels and empty seats. It won't happen but something has to give at some point surely?
Hey, isn't it funny that sometimes there just isn't a world cup and we skip a world cup window?
Like 2022, no world cup. Now they've decided not to have a world cup in 2034. Funny that.
surprised pikachu face
Fucks sake not again.
The deadline to host a World Cup in 11 years will end today. Yeah, that makes sense.
Our sport is fucking done
*nobody liked that
^^*except ^^for ^^Saudi ^^Arabia
Fuck FIFA and everything they stand for.
Act surprised…
This will be like when I played FM until the year 2050... I didn't even care to do it anymore because I no longer recognized any players and their achievements seemed minimal compared to the monsters of today and before.
It will be a very fun World Cup similar to Qatar because of how close all the stadiums will be next to each other. Also having the World Cup around the holidays wasn’t such a bad idea.
Probably won’t care about the game at that point. What a fucking joke
What a fuckn joke!
Oceania is by far the only continent to not have hosted the WC. Australia and New Zealand would be fine.
But of course FIFA would say their arenas aren't big enough and some other crap. I know they're an organisation that has to make profit but with FIFA it seems the focus is solely on money and very little on actual football.
Also, why couldn't WC 2030 be entirely in Argentina, Paraguay and Uruguay and then have Spain, Portugal and Morocco in 2034?
Australia hosted the Women’s World Cup perfecting find. Any excuses that came out of FIFA is just pure bullshit at this point.
Nothing more to add, than what everybody already said at this point. I am wondering: how did the WC in Qatar actually fare in terms of reach and sales and what-not? Letting SA and Qatar host are clear corrupt decisions by FIFA execs to get as much cash in their personal pockets as they can but that would only be sustainable if they kept up the viewership of the WC as much as before. Are there any numbers out there?
What a travesty
You lot are gonna bitch and moan all day about this but yet still watch the games. Just like Qatar.
This is laughable and depressing. Money over morals. We’re in a shit timeline of these murderers get to sports wash everything.
Oh look another World Cup I won’t be watching.
The corruption in this game is fucking disgusting. Everyone knows whats going on but no one cares.
Great another winter world cup
Until these medieval belief countries modernise, none of them should be allowed to hold a global event.
The Women’s World Cup is 4 years away and FIFA is giving more attention to World Cups that are a decade ahead…