Just bought an i9 14900KF, what CPU cooler is the best ? THE BEST for this CPU ? :)
Be civil. Uncivil language, slurs, and insults will result in a ban. If you can't say something respectfully, don't say it at all.
No Unoriginal Sources, Referral links or Paywalled Articles.
All posts must be related to Intel or Intel products.
Give competitors' recommendations only where appropriate. If a user asks for Intel only (i.e. i5-12600k vs i5-13400?) recommendations, do not reply with non-Intel recommendations. Commenting on a build pic saying they should have gone AMD/Nvidia is also inappropriate, don't be rude. Let people enjoy things.
CPU Cooling problems: Just like 95C is normal for Ryzen, 100C is normal for Intel CPUs in many workloads. If you're worried about CPU temperatures, please look at reviews for the laptop or CPU cooler you're using.
2015 Intel: Bigger is not better.
2018 Intel: wait no sometimes bigger is better
2021 Intel: cutting own hair and sobbing what mean bigger? What mean better?
2023 Intel: foaming at the mouth HERE. BIGGER. YOU TAKE BIGGER. YOU LIKE BIGGER.
I wish I had the disposable income to upgrade every generation 😭
and here, I just upgraded to an i9-11900k last year. 😭
I love my 11700K and Z590 system. Has been the most rock solid PC I’ve ever owned (besides the crappy Intel network cards that need a 2 year old driver to work properly) and I’ve literally had only 2 Windows crashes since I built the system in 2019 (playing The Forest in early access, but was GPU related).
Never upgrade to odd number gen. Always wait for the even number
Never upgrade to odd number gen. Always wait for the even number
I upgraded due to cost and it met my needs at a time when COVID and inflation was affecting technology prices. Got tired of running an 95-6600k. Quad-core with 4 threads.
Why did you upgrade ?
for me it was only $150 out of pocket since I had a $500 gift card
I upgraded because it's 20% improvement from 12700K. And yes I do play 1080p https://imgur.com/gallery/yYTa86N
I have the 12700k and it's more like than fine for 1080p gaming but you do you I guess
i have an 8700k and play 1440p get plenty of frames. 5 year old build. these kids and 2 year builds... money grows on trees... or no savings ha
Like upgrading the iPhone 12 to iPhone 14
Like, 1/10th of that upgrade even.
At least the iPhone got a 120Hz screen, always on display and massive CPU/GPU improvements.