Now I want a stick, too.
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Sticks are awesome.
So are stones and any pinecone shaped like a grenade.
After reading all these comments stick doesn't seem like a word anymore.
Dogs get it.
Awww, I find it so wholesome when son and father conspire against mother
I mean if the kids like it why not? I would much rather that than beg the parents for some Vbucks to have some half assed virtual stick
I've had a bamboo stick at home for at least 4-5 years now it's incredible. You wanna scratch your back it's got it, you wanna protect yourself against aliens invading your home it's got it Sticks are amazing
Sticks were our toys when we were little. They were our swords, our guns, etc.
Damn, I need to find myself a proper stick.
This reminds me, I have to go find a good stick.