i love the miniatures in the film.
Book reader community.
Haha, awesome, looking forward to it!
The film and book share themes but are quite different.
In the film, people live in one city and believe the outside is poisonous. The plot is very different including how people die, why, what happens to runners, what sanctuary is and the ending. Despite the significant differences from the book, it's a good film and worth watching in it's own right.
Okay thanks. Yeah I watched like the first 10 seconds and when the title card explainef so many differences up front, I decided to take a break and let my mind kind of solidify the novel before I start on the movie, because I don't want to conflate them later.
What from the book do you not remember? It has been years since I read it but the move is similar in spirit.
I mean almost none of the crazy stuff, none of the prison, the half man half machine ice demon, nor running through the thinkers brain, the devil sticks. If all that stuff is in there then I must have never seen the movie.
Wow! Now I want to see how the heck they incorporated all of that back in the '70s
I’ll have to recap the book. The half man is in the movie. The brain I don’t remember in the book.
If I remember correctly, they change the age in the movie as well.
Yeah just looked at the title card, it sounds like the movie is going to be pretty different with 30-year-olds and the carousel, which isn't in the book.
It’s been 40 years since I’ve read the book. I remember the themes being similar.
Cool, thanks. I was actually just mulling over how much I actually knew about Logan's run when it was mentioned in some other thread and then I picked up the book and realized I had never read it and now I realize that I haven't seen the movie either haha
You’re inspiring me to read the book again. The movie is cheesy but I enjoyed it.
I can't imagine it could be a bad idea to revisit the novel if it's been a while, it's so non-stop exciting and wild that it's difficult to put down.
30 instead of 21 if I remember right.
Movie was 30. So the book must be 21