Now this is shitposting!
Armored Core
A community for everyone to discuss all things armored core.
I wouldn't tell anyone that I won the lotto, but there would be some hints
Augmented Human C-621, entering excretion mode
It doesn't even have a fucking bidet; completely unusable.
That brought the energy load too high, sadly.
Oh it’s an armoured core joke. Can someone explain? I am but a poor farmer and know little of this ‘armoured core’ of which you speak
Of course, poor farmer. This mecha-toilet sort of looks like it could be in armored core, so somebody has placed the AC6 mission start UI over it. Plus, toilets are funny.
Lmao Highly appropriate. Am I correct in assuming a soulslike level of gameplay difficulty?
I found it much easier than the souls game, although the initial learning curve in the first chapter is steep. Once you've let it teach you how to play the game, it's cake.
Your best bet is to hover and wait for an opening.