12 days. I'm traveling, staying in a hotel, and I really want to drink and my mind is making rational arguments to let me have just one or two as a reward.
Stop Drinking
This is a place to motivate each other to control or stop drinking. It is also a place for non drinkers to discuss and share.
We welcome anyone who wishes to join in by asking for advice, sharing our experiences and stories, or just encouraging someone who is trying to quit or cut down.
Please post only when sober; you’re welcome to read in the meanwhile.
Alcohol is a poison, it's not rewarding yourself to poison yourself.
Have a good dinner and watch a film, instead.
I will not drink with you today!
3 weeks. going to be stuck at step 8 and 9 for a while, 8 is made a list of all those weve harmed and became willing to make amends to them all. I'm willing to make amends with 99% of them. 1 I just have pure hatred for, and would injure me if I tried. gotta 12 step myself on weed too. not keen.
I quit weed as well, best decision I’ve ever made. It totally became a crutch for me rather than a helpful thing. It’s nice to be clear-headed and motivated to actually do stuff. But it was hard, not going to lie.
You are doing amazing work. I am so proud of you and your progress!
tysm, it's a crutch, but I still really enjoy it. when I took 3 weeks off in hospital I had meltdown, came out and smoked, immediately calmed down. mother nature cradled me in her arms and told me everything's going to be ok, genuine spiritual experience, but I'm too greedy, got no self control. I'll happily fuck up my whole day by smoking in the morning. trying to get it down to after work/meetings only
gotta 12 step myself on weed too. not keen.
One thing at a time, one thing at a time.
I've seen people do the "I'm going to get sober and I'm going to stop smoking and I'm going to start [an unfeasible exercise programme from scratch] and I'm going to lose weight and ..." thing and it never works out as they hoped.
So my advice, which is worth what you paid for it, obviously, is to take it easy. Get a stretch of sobriety under your belt before making any other changes. You may find that your weed use decreases naturally anyway, and you can start the 12-step programme when you're in a different headspace with it.
good insight thankyou, yeah us addicts really wanna change the world in a weekend. one thing at a time.