Solved! For some reason it won’t let me put in the last letter of the first word. I’m on ios. Fun game tho, good job!
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Hey Jefe! Yes that's a really odd one. On puzzles where there is only one long word it, doesn't seem to be an issue, only when a second word is there! I've marked it high priority for a fix so hopefully won't be a problem in future puzzles. Nicely done on the solve!!
I got it in 9:03. Took me a minute to figure out the mechanics. The numbers on the left side of the grid were hidden on my phone, but I could slide over to see them.
Cool game!
Thanks, Walden! That's a solid time for a Friday puzzle and you had to navigate the scrappiness. Thanks for sticking with it on mobile! Monday is typically only a 3x3 grid and 9-letter anagram, so I suspect you might break sub 3 mins if you tackle that one next week!
Got it in just under 5 but on my phone I could not put the last letter of the first word in the anagram half. For whatever reason I just could not select the box.
I also had the same problem as someone below. The numbers on the left of the crusties were hidden but I could reveal them by scrolling left.
Neat puzzle though. If it gets more playable on mobile, it'll make it into my daily rotation.
Hey fugitive!
Thank you for taking the time to type that all out for me. Yes, absolutely, mobile definitely needs some work and that last letter bug I've made a priority to get fixed. I'll reply here when those get addressed! Thanks for the encouragement!
11:54 for me. Great job!
Cheers, sushigrass! Solid time. A 16-letter anagram is not easy!