Zombie Survival
Discussion about the hypothetical scenario of a zombie apocalypse.
Unless stated otherwise, by zombie we're refering to The Walking Dead -kind of undead creature.
Serious discussion only.
Header by ThomasJakeRoss @ Deviantart
I do believe that quite a lot of informal "rules" would carry over or form. People actually function pretty bad alone and would realistically have to co-operate with other people. In absence of any laws or governing bodies this would be a reputation based system.
If someone is known as a dangerous lunatic and/or someone who doesn't keep their word, nobody would work with them.
Early on the biggest threat would be the zombies. Unlike modern society survival would require more working together and maybe honesty. I’m not sure any norms during this period would survive. People will try to hide their infection thinking they will be different. Definitely the norm of not killing sick people would go away.
After this period, restarting civilization will be the new challenge. I imagine this would be more similar to now with less technology and more struggles.
Fun question!
Unlike modern society survival would require more working together and maybe honesty
A significant number of people will throw other people to the zombies to save themselves in the short term, and it only takes one in a group to screw the whole group over. This would be sorted out fairly quickly as people won't have patience with bad actors in a harsh environment. Putting people to death for crimes that put the group in danger is likely to be common since exile risks a malicious person coming back to sabotage the group.
Small bands of horrible people raiding other places would probably be a lot less common than in media though, because they would be putting themselves in harms way more often than those that hunker down. Risks of flat tires, running out of fuel, etc. means more walking and other means of travel that risk running into zombie hordes.
So yeah, the overwhelming trend will be cooperation with a huge emphasis on honesty.
Few if any. Long term isolation, lack of resources, growing paranoia and xenophobia, countless fake messiahs popping up everywhere etc means it would be very difficult to enforce or come into agreement on rules that could be followed on a larger scale without constant interference and sabotage.
Those insistent on peaceful cooperation would either be killed or enslaved by those without scruples.
And as proven in recent times, long term considerations and intelligent design are a fucking joke when it comes to the average person. So one shouldn't expect survivors to understand and act with the bigger picture in mind.
No rules, no morals, no problem.
Cannibalism will probably still be taboo.
the core behaviors would persist, empathy, mutual team work would persist. how they're applied would be drastically different. the initial stages would be rough because we've been self selecting for individualism over collectivism.
basically things that spread virally need collective action to form a bulwark against or enough space between nodes to act as a natural firewall. So I suspect you'd see natural selection happening rapidly. those that can work as a community collectively would thrive those who cant would wither or be solo in the wilderness.