I'm starting to think Cenas, One Last Time merch was talking about babyface Cena and not his career
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Men's Elim just ended and there is still 25 motherfucker mins to this show I know shit's still coming but jesus lmao
*loads up the preshow just to make sure to watch the anthem boos* π¨π¦
Am I going crazy or are the announcers acting weird over America today. Pat talking about the Canadian crowd for booing the US Anthem, then when Logan Paul came out with the US Flag both him and I think Cole were all yeah I knew I liked Paul, Rah Rah America. WTF?
EDIT: I'm not saying you can't love your country, I'm just saying this all felt really out of place.
EDIT 2: The Doctor of Thuganomics has returned.
How awesome is this Kevin Owens match
It was up there for match of the night.
What was Travis Scott lighting, was it supposed to be smelling salts or something?
Bianca no selling move after move
I'm so disappointed if this was Naomi being the attacker of Jade, I so wanted it to be Bianca in a story where she was upset she went from World Champ to tag teaming with a newbie.
But, Jade's beat down of Naomi was pretty fun.
Yeah I got no horse in this race one way or another but that was flat out the best damn thing I think I've seen Jade do since coming to WWE, fucking loved it.
That's the Jadeberg we needed, just go full Goldberg with her.
For what it's worth, I was talking with a guy that said I needed to go back and rewatch that segment, when Jade comes out all pissed off Naomi looks confused, but if you look behind her you can see Bianca in the pod starting to take off her jacket like she's about to be in a fight...
Ooh I missed that
It's really the first 15 seconds of that video or so. I can see what they were talking about but I can't say for certain that's what WWE was going for.
It's absolutely surreal that this actually happened. I've done so many reality checks. Please don't let it be just a dream.
The dream is dead.
This camera work is sloppy and really making it hard to watch.
Wait, is this today? Jesus; the build has been so bad for this show. At least that's my take on it.
And theyβre wasting a Trish return on it.
Right? I realized like last night lol