Historical Artifacts
Just a community for everyone to share artifacts, reconstructions, or replicas for the historically-inclined to admire!
Generally, an artifact should be 100+ years old, but this is a flexible requirement if you find something rare and suitably linked to an era of history, not a strict rule. Anything over 100 is fair game regardless of rarity.
Generally speaking, ruins should go to [email protected]
Illustrations of the past should go to [email protected]
Photos of the past should go to [email protected]
In a way. Kind of a cross between ring mail and plate mail, but cheaper than both.
I think this would do alright against slashes, but you'd be fucked if they tried to stab you with anything thin. Small knives, arrows, probably even a decent sword with a good jab; but hey, better than linens...
Wish the Met had more on it, it's a fascinating piece, and one so rarely sees African armors preserved.
This is actually considered ringmail. The rings are sewn onto a leather backing.
You're right; I was mixing up ringmail and chainmail again.
Any armour is better than no armour.
Eh, yes and no...
Protection is good; but If it's cumbersome enough, it could limit your mobility and put you at a disadvantage against more mobile opponents or multiple assailants.
There's always trade offs; you've just gotta judge whether they benefit you in the situation.
Police officers could wear a hundred pounds of body armor and rarely have a bullet get through; but they'd be too weighed down in everyday patrol to catch criminals when they run, and that's a lot of bulk in their way when going hands on. Trade offs.
It’s nice that they give the archers a chance to get a bullseye.
Did they make this out of womens’ fashion belts?