Guys, some of you here posted that you gonna switch to a fork. My question is: isn't still the same problem? It seems the problem here is Mozilla, and Mozilla is the creator of Firefox and Gecko. So you suggesting switching to a fork at the end has the same problem that is using Gecko. I don't think it is better than using a Chromium based browser. I mean you still using a Mozilla product. If you really want to avoid Mozilla you should be using Epiphany or wait for Ladybird. I am genuinely asking this because It is not clear enough for me.
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The green chicken flag strikes again. It may be a small thing, but i knew the logo change was the first step towards corpo bullshit.
Assuming this refers to a new feature, how are they going to implement it? If the browser e.g. phones home, people would be able to spot the change in the source code and just create a fork?
What in the everloving fuck?
I'm paying for a search engine subscription, do I have to pay for a browser too?
Honestly, if it was actually economically viable and made all bullshit go away, I'd happily pay for a browser.
I don't think Mozilla could switch to that model without significant restructuring the likes of which they've little inventive to go for.
Ohh look... CEO can fuck ur wife BC ToS says so right here 🤡